DS math
Hmm.... 3000 calories a day? Thats swell. My average daily consumption also hovers around 3000 calories of which 180 - 200 of that is protein. My basal metabolic rate is somewhat high because I am very active but regardless I can eat like a normal person. While I do tend to stay away from a lot of the fatty foods and sweets most of the time I will have an occasional Coke, candy or high fat foods like steak and pork chops. Actually steak and pork chops are part of my daily menu. In the last hour I've eaten maybe 7 or 8 Hershey Kisses along with half a pack of NECCO wafers. For lunch I ate at an Indian buffet as a treat after my half marathon and ate a plate and a half of normal size portions of food. Not pigging out as my 464 pound pre-op frame would have by any means.
So, what's the point of all this rambling? I'm a RNYer and I've got just as good of a relationship with food as the common DSer. Go figure.
Oh, I also lost 7 pounds today.