Pet Peeve - anyone else?

on 1/9/08 3:48 am - VA
Unbelievable (last paragraph) that it really does work!
(deactivated member)
on 1/9/08 3:22 am - Decatur, AL
Hope I don't offend anyone...just venting..but I'm also sending out weight loss vibes you way!!!
lols, no problemo! i'm sending out weight loss vibes youR way as well
Dee Kay
on 1/9/08 3:50 am
Good catch... I missed that one.  Guess it just goes to show how easy it is to make a mistake!
Dee Kay (5'6" and 40-something yrs...)

So Blessed!
on 1/9/08 3:28 am

I have a few pet peeves:

* People who can't control their spit when they talk, but they want to get right up in my face to hold a conversation.

* People who prop their feet on or kick the back of my chair.

* Having my sleep interrupted.

on 1/9/08 3:31 am

I totally respect that you are sharing freely about your feelings.  And, for those people who just don't have grammar down (or, for me, are a bad speller) -- or are stealing a moment of support in the middle of your work day and don't have time to review, I hope you continue to share your joy, concerns, questions, etc. regardless of communication irregularities!   As I've grown older, I now catch when I've used a contraction incorrectly or switched words (our and are) and it mortifies me.  I never used to make these mistakes -- and I certainly know the rules -- but my brain isn't quite as sharp and I'm in twice the rush I used to be.  It galls me when it happens but I have to go on.  So keep sharing no matter what!

on 1/9/08 3:37 am - Eugene, OR
These are things that you generally need to let slide on the internet.  Some folks have never learned the difference, but some folks just get in a hurry and don't double-check spellings and grammar before hitting the send button.  I know I am often guilty of leaving the 'r' off of you when I mean to say your.  Many folks confuse there, their, and they're.  We just need to remember the internet is fairly informal. Linda

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 1/9/08 3:40 am - Wylie, TX
I deceided a long time ago that there are bigger things in life to be peveed about (homeless, people going hungry, abuse of anysort) other then grammer and spelling errors as I am dyslexic and can't spell because of it.

Philosophy of life "Treat others like you wish to be Treated" 
              Only you can make yourself happy!!!

Adam H.
on 1/9/08 3:46 am - Saginaw, MI

My pet peeve is the Morning Dove that eats breakfast outside my window every morning at 4:00 AM.

Best of luck, 

Adam H.
Saginaw, MI
Pre-Op: 519 pounds
Surgery (1/14/07): 514 pounds
Current: 245 pounds
Susan M.
on 1/9/08 3:50 am - Dallas, TX
The one that bugs me is people who "weight" themselves.  When I weight this morning I was "x" pounds.  I weigh, but I have lost weight.

Susan            280/264/190/135              
             Consult/Preop/Current/Goal  5' tall

~ Lexipro ~
on 1/9/08 3:50 am - SC
I've skipped over alot of posts on this forum because the OP has not used a single paragraph in a page long post, OR has started a new paragraph with every single damn sentence. It's so hard to read. That and the all caps, ugh. I'll admit to inner cringing when I see their/there/they're and your/you're and OMG here/hear problems but, for the most part I can ignore that and move on. I just can't muster up any real comprehension for paragraphless, or too-paragraphed stuttering posts. My brain won't compute them

Lexi -  Size 6-8 and holding.


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