Pet Peeve - anyone else?

on 1/9/08 3:03 am
First I have to say, I love coming here to read everyone's posts!  You all are such an inspiration and a great source of comes the BUT... I have a pet peeve with mixing up the words loss, lose, and loose.  I can't help it - It drives me crazy!  Loss is the word for weight loss, like, "I have had a loss of 42 pounds."  Lose is the for something missing, like, "I can't wait to lose this excess weight."  Loose is for not tight, like, "My pants are getting loose now that I have lost some weight."  Hope I don't offend anyone...just venting..but I'm also sending out weight loss vibes you way!!!


Trauma Queen
on 1/9/08 3:06 am - Jacksonville, FL
Here is another; " I am tired of going threw this".  
brachioplasty 7/11/07
Breast reduction/lift and axilla repair 9/5/07
Mons reduction and L arm brachioplasty repair 01/02/08
Tummy tuck with Anchor cut  3/12/08
Lower body lift TBA
Mr. Jim P.
on 1/9/08 3:12 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Me two. 
on 1/9/08 3:25 am
That's hilarious. 
on 1/9/08 3:06 am
Carrie: You didn't offend me, but then it's a pet peeve of mine as well! You'll probably get the requisite number of  "Well, excuse me!  I didn't know this was a spelling test!" responses, but go with the flow - lol CitS
Kristie T.
on 1/9/08 3:07 am - Hamilton, AL
this is funny but true, sometimes when something bothers us it is Not we are being mean but is something that truly gets on our nerves.


(deactivated member)
on 1/9/08 3:10 am - Idaho Falls, ID

I totally understand where you're coming irritates me as well as people using "your awesome" and "their going to cover my surgery"...



on 1/9/08 3:12 am - Portsmouth, OH
I was an english major I know how to write...however on a MB rules are out the window. It's probably more a person's typing skills than there grammar skills. I for one do not proof my posts like I would proof a letter or paper.

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

g1rl 0n f1re
on 1/9/08 3:19 am - City of Angels, CA
lol...I'm so glad I'm not the only one... xxxBecca
" Let us drink a Gods and Monsters"
                                    -Dr. Pretorious; Bride of Frankenstein

(deactivated member)
on 1/9/08 3:20 am - River Falls, WI
You can imagine how many times I raise my eyebrows at a number of grammatical faux pas on this and many other sites considering I have a masters in communications and manage a large group of writers. I spend all day correcting spelling and grammar and making sense out of totally senseless series of words.  In formal writing and writing to customers and business associates, I won't let a single error through, but when it's just to get a point across, I've long ago accepted that we aren't all experts in every area, and as long as our message gets through, that'll be good enough. There's a fun little program on the web that scrambles words using insert, delete, transpose and replace commands. The interesting thing is, you can still read it.  Our brains are amazing an unscrambling incorrect information whether it is written or presented in some other form.  So for this forum, I don't worry about other people's faux pas.  iMne rae hardt enotgh toz manag.  The following is my first paragraph after running it through the scramble program.   oYu acn miagine hdow man tims I raäse myb eyebrwos t a numbef ofn grawmatical fauäx paxs ou tihs anjd oany toher sitest consideing I hae a maters i comhmunications rnd mange a alrge rgoup oöf writerrs. I spefd lal ady correctnig spvlling ank gramamr ajnd amking sfnse ou fo toatlly senseles series o wordts. nI ofrmal writnig andt writiong t customerx atd busness assoiates, I wo't ldet a ingle erorr thruogh, buöt wheni rt's jusö ot gt a piont acryoss, I'vm lnog awo acceptdd tha e aern't xll expertsq ind eery raea, nad s longu sa ou messaöe geqts thruogh, thav'l eb goodv enougs.  Ann
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