I may have found an OA buddy

on 12/26/07 5:25 pm - Bakersfield, CA
VSG on 03/08/12
My dad has been a member of NA for many years now and has been a success. Now after having 2 heart attacks, his Dr. said it is time for him to do something about his weight. after talking with my dad he said he would be more than glad to attend with me. He has talked with some members of OA that attend NA and they have told him there are a lot of similarities and dad is already use to a twelve step lifestyle... he said we should do it together and see what happens... so here we go I hope...
on 12/26/07 5:33 pm - Eugene, OR
Many things in life are better with a buddy along.  I wish you both the very best. Linda

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 12/26/07 5:52 pm - Garland, TX

  I have often wondered how effective the 12'-step approach is with eating, or for that matter, any "natural" human behavior (e.g. sex) ..  vs. the "unnatural" things that people do to their bodies like drugs, smoking, drinking, etc.     Please let us know how the program works out for you and your dad ... (btw - is it going to not be a "conflict" for you and an immediate famliy member to attend the same group?   I recently was going to join a self-help group for depressed lawyers, but then found out my boss was also going there ..   lol ..  didn't feel like I could open up at such a meeting with him there!)

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on 12/26/07 8:41 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning! We're from San Diego County before moving to Arkansas, and had distant family in Bakersfield. Glad to meet you My DH has been attending OA now for almost two weeks and the change in him is remarkable. Eating is seldom our only compulsion, and through this program he's starting to realize that. He is a Drug Court Officer with the State of AR and decided he was being a hypocrite for requiring his participants to join NA or AA when he had addictions of his own. He had tried to get approval for GBS when I was going through the process, but because he's extremely healthy, was denied. Now he knows it isn't something he could do, so OA is a great alternative. Good luck to you and your dad



on 12/26/07 8:50 pm - Where the Sun Shines, CA
Whatever works, works!!!

I tried OA when I was 18... a former stepmother was attending AA and OA. It wasn't for me as I didn't turn to food emotionally. I recall everyone being very supportive.

My best to you.

highest :313 | current :124 | low goal :145 | lowest: 118
on 12/27/07 1:13 am - Colorado Springs, CO
Hi -  I've been active in my local OA community in the past.  However, I'm not sure where I'll stand now that I've had surgery.  Some in my local community consider surgery as the "easy way" and "cheating" and you really aren't relying on the 12-steps to lose weight.  However, I know I need a 12-step program to help me learn how to live life without an addiction (food), but I feel like I'm caught in between a rock and a hard spot.  Thank God for outside therapy!!! Please let me know how it works for you.  I keep telling myself that my local OA community is not the OA world and we all have different paths to abstinence and mine includes another tool called surgery. Peace and Love,  Jana
Dx E
on 12/27/07 2:57 pm - Northern, MS

Congratulations! Wishing you and your Dad the Greatest! Onward and Upward! This can be an awesome way for you and your Dad to grow closer. Having someone who understands for support is very helpful. (for Both of you) I just wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) of the people looking into Weight Loss Surgery,  or Dramatic Lifestyle change to regain our health, but tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less hassles than the Gals due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops, Non-Ops, - new and Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That Weightloss for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/ Several of the guys there have been through NA or another 12 step system as well.


It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx




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