"Is my pouch Too Big?" -or-"Have I stretched My Pouch?"

on 12/14/07 12:17 pm - PA
Thanks for the information.  I am the one person, however, " if it is going to happen, it will happen to me".  I have such a great fear of botching up this new weightloss tool, that I am self sabbatoging.  I have not had any dumping and am always hungry.  I do realize at times that it is probably just head hunger.  However, the unforgetable pig-out tonight makes me feel like a total failure.  I have just recently felt an uncomfortable feeling under my breast bone after eating ( usually over eating).  I think that may be the fullness I was searching for.  Any way, the pig out.  I went to Long John Silvers for dinner.  I ordered the chicken planks and more meal consisting of 3 breaded chicken planks, 2 hushpuppies, fries and a side of coleslaw.  I ate everything but 1chicken plank.  How in the world can this much food have easily fit into my 3 month old pouch.  I feel  I am eating like a "normal person", but this is wayyyyy toooo soooon.  Be careful for what you wish for.  I have no limits to what I can eat.  Nothing makes me ill.  I don't think that I am strong enough to succeed in permanent weightloss.  Weightloss has been about 2 lbs a week recently.  I guess I shouldn't ***** about the fact that I am still managing to loose. I know this is not a fairy tale and I don't think I will have that happy ending.  I am getting all the I told you so's already.  I need to be heard and could use some insight and wisdom.  The lonliness of the holidays, depression, and financial troubles are getting the best of me and I am turning to food again.  My bigest reason for pouring out my heart now is that I am trying not to go out to the kitchen and get something to eat.  HELP!!!!!!!
Dx E
on 12/14/07 12:40 pm, edited 12/14/07 12:40 pm - Northern, MS

lisa, Then keep typing........ Try making "the choice" not at the table, or in the kitchen, But when still in the grocery store shopping Or in the car deciding Where to stop for a meal. Follow me for a second…. Here’s a "WFM" – (worked for me?) Take it or forget it. It’s mainly "Food Choices." **(and these are for the 4 to 6 month-plus "SOLID" choices) Its Hard to resist eating something at home- When no one is around or if you are just in the mood for a snack. And it’s hard to not order "what sounds good" when you’re Standing in line at a fast food place, prepping to order. But it’s Easy to resist items in the middle of a Crowded Grocery Store. And it’s easy to decide to pull the car into a place that doesn’t offer fried Everything, So, I’ve kept the "Food Choice" activity IN the grocery store, In the car, and Out of my home. (example- It’s easier to Not Pull into a Shop and Buy Cigarettes Than it is to Not Pull one from the pack sitting in your pocket.) Yes? The "Amount" of food you describe eating there Doesn’t seem to be "The Biggy." But the "Content" is "Normal" for a person who is headed to weight gain. That "Super-Size Me Movie?" That guy ate "Normal-Sized" McDonalds Meals 3 times a day. Not a bunch of snacking, just "Fast Food = Fried" Meals. In very short time he had gained an enormous amount of weight And his docs were giving him the – "You’re going to die" speeches. Not the "Amounts," but the Choices. As for the Emotional eating issues? Call a Counselor on Monday. Get a prescription for something to help control the Depression And set up a schedule to get some tips and tricks for Coping Mechanisms that aren’t harmful to your long term health. Yes? In the long run (even short term) It’s far cheaper than the medical bills for problems you might be Creating down the road. Yes? You can do this! Hit the phone book or web tonight, Find a good psyche-doc locally, And hit ‘em up first thing Monday Morning. I look forward to reading your Future posts of Outrageous Success!! Best Wishes- Dx

(deactivated member)
on 12/14/07 12:45 pm - MN

I am sorry!  I don't know what to tell you to help you, but I am sorry that it is going that way for you.  I don't know why you can eat that much food.  Sometimes I think I am eating too much too... can you try measuring your food?  Weigh out 4 ounces of food, and only eat that.  Wait to drink til 3o minutes after you ate.  Don't eat again until you are hungry, or just force yourself to wait 3 hours til you eat again.  Try choosing mostly protein as your meal, only allow yourself a couple fries, etc.   I hope that helps.  I wish I had better answers for you.  I am 6 months out (about 3 months ahead of you) and I know I can eat a lot of food, but just because you can doesn't mean you should.  Let your pouch work for you.   GOOD LUCK!!!!!

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