"Is my pouch Too Big?" -or-"Have I stretched My Pouch?"

Dx E
on 12/14/07 9:45 am, edited 7/16/08 10:44 am - Northern, MS

“I’m able to eat a lot more than I think I should!”
“Is my pouch Too Big?”
“Have I stretched My Pouch?”
Very Common concern and question from those with an RNY.
(saw a quite a few “Pouch Stretching” questions, and thought I’d “Re-Post.”)
As always- skip if you’ve seen it…….



Information in the Post
Has been Moved to-

Best Wishes-

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 12/14/07 9:52 am
Wow, it's always good to have actual information.  I wish doctors did not underestimate the ability of their patients to process complex information.
Dx E
on 12/14/07 10:29 am - Northern, MS
Tell it! I'm way to nosy and curious Not to keep asking- "Why? Why? Why?" Fortunately, Docs will provide answers. Best Wishes- Dx
on 12/14/07 10:15 am - Mt. Laurel, NJ
Thanks so much for this invaluable information.  I'm 8 months out and am having to consciously focus on eating properly.  I can now eat pretty much anything I want...I just don't eat much.  I've always been a big meat eater and so far, that's been my saving grace.  My continual message to myself...CARB ARE NOT MY FRIENDS!!  Happy Holidays to all

Dx E
on 12/14/07 10:30 am - Northern, MS
Congratulations on Amazing Progress in those 8 months!! Keep it Up! Best Wishes- Dx
Angie Conley
on 12/14/07 10:16 am - Middletown , OH
As always, very informative. Thanks Dx!!!
Dx E
on 12/14/07 10:34 am - Northern, MS
Hey fellow- "Representative of Everyone!" Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Angie Conley
on 12/14/07 10:35 am - Middletown , OH
on 12/14/07 10:30 am - Metairie, LA
Great information, Dx. Thanks for the reminder.



Dx E
on 12/14/07 10:36 am - Northern, MS
Thanks back at ya! Best Wishes- Dx
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