I met a post-op this weekend.

on 12/3/07 6:18 am - Salt Lake City, UT
Thats so hard to hear, isn't it? I think DX hit it on the head as usual. On a more positive note, I talked to a woman recently who had WLS in the 80's and is doing great. She has gained back about 25 pounds but good grief, she's in her late 60's I can cut her some slack on that one, takes her vitamins every day, eats protein forward meals but doesn't obsess about what shes eating, drinks her water and is very well informed about what she needs to do to stay healthy. I was delighted to talk to her about WLS in general and definitely view her as a long term success.   Annette
~ Lexipro ~
on 12/3/07 6:30 am - SC

My nut maintains that 80% of the people she sees long term who have regained have two common denominators. One is sodas the other is alcohol. And these are just the people that call her for help..

on 12/3/07 6:48 am - Los Angeles, CA
I think encounters like these can be good for us pre-goal patients, sort of like a cautionary tale. I have no doubt I can reach my goal weight in time if I follow the rules. But I do fear the maintenance part, since I've never been able to consistently maintain any large weight loss I've previously had on my own. But I am aware of this fear, and know that it's up to me to make sure it doesn't happen, and if I use my WLS as a tool, it will be something I've never had before during a maintenance phase. So even though I worry about the future, I have faith that with the WLS I will be able to do it. Stories like the one you told are good reminders about what can happen if you take this for granted or become complacent as a post-op patient. Rather than fear that will happen to me, I choose to be inspired NOT to go down that road.

~~~ Triple C. ~.
on 12/3/07 6:55 am - windy city native living -n-, MO
Hi Jandell, Oh my...I really feel sorry for this person. I can't even imagine how all of this is affecting her mentally. I wouldn't worry about her comments to you. You are doing amazing and your attitude about peeps like that spurring you on....YEP, THAT'S A GOOD ATTITUDE TO HAVE!  I use to be really bothered by all of the post about regain or that 10% bounce back that we are "suppose" to have. But then I realize that it doesn't necessarily have to apply to me as long as I continue on with the healthy habits and definitely kick the exercise up a notch (or 10 *L*). I have seen other long term post ops that have NOT dealt with regain. I pay close attention to their habits and attitude so that I can gleen helpful tip/hints to stay on a good path.  I truly hope your friend get some help for her transferred addiction....lots of positive vibes going her way. 

The 's of my life! -


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