New Whey Protein Bullets

Jane Doe
on 11/24/07 8:30 am - Fair Oaks, CA

I was using them early on, and my labs at the three month check came back terrible because of them.  I have no plans to discredit your brother.. but my nutritionist told me I had to stop and that post - op WLSers can't get the protein we need from these bullets.

This isn't something I'm guessing at.  I drank 2 of the 42s a day for 3 months and my labs came back like I wasn't eating protein at all.

(deactivated member)
on 11/24/07 8:34 am - Vacaytown, HI
Thanks for the info.  Thats why we post so there is info on both sides of the coin to investigate the product.
on 11/24/07 8:57 am - Sterling, VA
Hi lunawillow The link you provided shows a lab result assaying for total protein, but nothing about the quality of the protein. If protein supplement such as New Whey has a PDCAAS of 5 or 6--see our sticky post... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you would need to consume over a gallon of New Whey each day to get all of the Essential Amino Acids you need.   That would be about 40 "vials" if they are 3 ounces, each day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protein quality is the issue with collagen protein, whether it is hydrolyzed collagen or just collagen.   It is still collagen protein. Do you have a copy of the harvard studies you mention?  Are they specifically about collagen protein?  Is there a link to the studies we might all find? One of the collagen companies has raised the issue of digestability.  The PDCAAS score factors in differences in digestability. No matter how digestable hydrolyzed colagen is, it is still digestability of a very low PDCAAS protein.  The letters DC in PDCAAS stand for digestability corrected, so that is already taken into account. Whey protein is a very high quality protein.  It has a PDCAAS of 100 out of 100. Side Question:  Why is the brand name "New-Whey", when in fact, the product contains very little whey... only 6% of the protein, or less, is whey protein?  Jerome UNJURY Protein
(deactivated member)
on 11/24/07 9:03 am, edited 11/24/07 10:45 am - Vacaytown, HI
I used to try Unjury and ordered a lot of it but couldnt stand the taste.  are they going to have any products that are low volume similar to the new whey tubes that have the proper contents that you mentioned?  Thanks much. Also a question to you as you seem to really know a lot about product content.  What do you think about isopure zero carb protein?
on 11/25/07 2:58 am - Sterling, VA
If it contains what's on the label (whey protein isolate) it should be good quality protein. I will let you decide about the taste. You said you didn't like creamy tasting products.   Have you tried our Chicken Soup? Jerome UNJURY Protein
(deactivated member)
on 11/25/07 5:21 am - Vacaytown, HI
I think I just got all flavors of your shakes.  Do you have samples of the soups?
on 11/24/07 10:56 am - Clifton, CO

Its Hydrolyzed COLLAGEN protein... therefore no Real protein at all.   Hydrolyzed protein is what is used in baby formula, etc. becaause its very bio available.    But Collagen protien... is not BAD for you... but its got NO PROTEIN content that your body can absorb.   So if you're looking to get your protein... thats not the way to do it.   Its worthless protein. 



(deactivated member)
on 11/25/07 12:44 am - Vacaytown, HI

Thanks for your input.  A question... do you know of any other liquid protein in the same form that has the best protein type.  I have a real aversion to creamy, powdered shakes and took nothing because I basically gave up on finding one.  Also are bars ok instead of shakes?

on 11/25/07 1:09 am - Clifton, CO
Ya know honestly, I think that with liquid protein the problem is that they cant make it whey  otherwise it will go bad by the time that you go to drink it.  Whey ISOLATE is the best protein source.  Have you maybe tryed ISOPure?    Pretty sure that it is Isolate protein its like 40 gm of protein in each drink...  so drink half of it at a time so your body can absorb it?  I personally dont like the taste of it... but most of it isn't too bad with half a packet of crystal light in it (i generally use the lemonade unless its the artic punch flavor or whatever, then i use fruit punch crystal light).     The protein shakes... I dont so much make them "creamy"  but here is my recipe and maybe its worth a try to see if you can handle it.     Take 6 ish oz water and 1/2 Crystal light lemonade and mix.   Put in about 1/4 cup frozen berries (strawberries, rasbperries, blueberries, blackberries mixed) put in 1 scoop of protein (21 grams) Mix in the magic bullet...    Its not so creamy and not like most shakes, give it a try if ya feel like, hopefully you find one that you can stand.   This is about all I have found.   When I was first out, i was doing Carnation instant breakfast with protein in it... YUCK!    There are other ways that I make my shakes too, like using the apple cranberry crystal light, a scoop of protein, water and Ice.  Its more like a slushy than a creamy type thing. As far as bars go... I dont know, I honestly haven't looked into bars enough to know that, I just know that a lot of times Bars have a not so good calories & Carbs vs Protein ratio.     No matter what though Look for Whey Isolate protein as a main ingredient, Casein protein, Soy Protein.    If a main ingredient is Collagen protein, Whey Protein Concentrate, etc.  Than it wont do anything for your body.   Like i said before Hydrolyzed protein= Good!  Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein= Bad!    Well Anyways, lol .   GOOD LUCK!!! 



(deactivated member)
on 11/25/07 1:45 am - Vacaytown, HI
Thanks you seem to know your stuff.  My brother also talked about Isopure as a good one so maybe Ill try that.  I was just so tired of gagging at shakes.  Ill try your recipe you never know.  Yeah carnation and protein... yucko ha ha.  I started a post on bars and have gotten some good info as well.  Thanks!