Sipping your drinks ALL day long?

on 11/11/07 5:03 am - Orlando, FL
My doctor told me to SIP SIP SIP your drinks, I know that I can not gulp them, but I feel like it takes me all day to drink 1 11oz can of slim fast, can I drink a little fast then sip sip sip or will it come back up?
Ashley S.
on 11/11/07 5:10 am - Lawrenceville, GA
You are not alone...I am 4 weeks post op and still having issues getting all my liquids in. I can do a little more than sip and I might max at 45-48 oz a day instead of the 64 oz I am supposed to get. You can try doing a little more than sipping, but when I do much more, it will get uncomfortable and I know some people have issues with it coming back up. My mom had her WLS done in 1978 and then had a revision in 1985. She is planning on having a third newer version done still this year. Anyways, she still has issues with her drinking...if she goes too fast it's not pretty!
Life is a highway...I wanna ride it all night long!-T.C. 
Robin F.
on 11/11/07 5:30 am - Lewistown, PA
You are still very early out so sipping is the best for you.  You will not be able to get 64 oz of fluid consumed in the beginning because of this.  The doctors know this and most only expect about 48 oz at most for the first few weeks to a month.  I am almost 6 months out now and i can drink several swallows at a time with little or no problem.  Sometimes i feel like i fill my pouch up but then it goes away almost instantly.  Best advice is to follow the docs orders though.  Just know that it will get easier as time goes and your pouch heals.  Best of luck! Robin
313/283/293/220/175 (highest/preop/postop/current/goal)weight loss from highest


on 11/11/07 5:31 am - Victorville, CA

OMG!  I think we are so used to gulping everything before that this is just another new aspect to learning to live with our new tummies!  I have never felt so thirsty in my life.  I try to get my fluids in and I have taken some big ass swigs.  I was sure sorry afterwards.  I didn't throw up, but I sure did have some pain.  It felt like there was a brick in my throat right where my stomach opens up.  This also happended with a slice of deli ham I tried to eat and it got stuck.   I know it is hard and you are probably really thirsty.  I think the hardest part about this surgery is the fact that I am probably thirstier than I am hungry.  Which makes me think that before the surgery I was probably thirsty and snacked instead of drinking.  Funny isn't it?  What we learn about ourselves after surgery! Just keep sipping.  I am 32 days post op and I am able, just today, to start drinking a little more than ususal without pain.  Made me think my pouch was busted, but then when I ate lunch I felt full fast, so I knew my pouch was still intact and working like it was supposed to. Sip and be Merry! MakingaDecision


Dx E
on 11/11/07 6:02 am - Northern, MS

The typical "Sip, sip, sip" is a description of Keeping fluid going in without taxing your freshly chopped on guts. Don’t rely completely on your feeling coming from your stomach just yet Because for many, it is numb from the surgical trauma still for a while. Don’t do anything that might bring on even a touch of pain or gagging, But do keep getting in your liquid. Water is a great one. Same with ice-chips. SF popsicles are a good way to keep hydration going While fighting off “head hunger.” Hey, it feels like you’re eating SOMETHING. Hang in there! These first weeks are terrible for most everyone. I also wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at-


It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope you’re up and hitting on all cylinders soon! Best Wishes- Dx




 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 11/11/07 6:19 am - Daytona Beach, FL
Hey Dx....good to see ya.  I go lurk on the men's board all the time...also the African American board....lots of good stuff and fun to read.  I'm all about recipes again this bout you Hugs from the beach Charlie






Dx E
on 11/11/07 8:07 am - Northern, MS

Hey Charlie! I was just sharing your Tilapia pecan dish with someone yesterday! Still one of my favorites! Glad you’re back off the road. (You are back?) I’m originally from Texas and will be out there over the Holidays. I’m doing great. Off to Portland Oregon this week to Open a Christmas Carol. CarolBlog (I'm about 3 photos down the page) 

My wife and son are flying out to meet me there for Thanksgiving. (I’m always doing Xmas Carol or a Nutcracker Suite over day.  Great to have them with me this year.) Hope all is going Great for you! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 11/11/07 8:14 am - Daytona Beach, FL
I'm home...for now.  Will be heading back soon. Probably Austin.....I'm sure I'll be there for Christmas...trying to hang in here at home till after Thanksgiving............ Enjoy working on the plays.....lots of fun.   Hugs Charlie






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