Newbie Down 114 pounds

on 11/11/07 12:57 am - MI

For those of you who know me I have been dieting or as I call it on a lifestyle change since my birthday this past Jan. When I started the Beaumont diet of all shakes, I set a goal for myself. I wanted to lose 100 pounds by my next birthday. I wanted to give myself a year. I never stopped this long battle of obesity that I have I kept fighting and fighting. And I can’t lie as I have slipped here and there but I would always catch myself. It’s been about 4 months since I last weighed in. Why? We’ll not to knock Beaumont because hey the program does work. But it’s just too expensive. I hate the fact that insurance companies don’t help pick up some of the tab on obesity. I have looked into the Lap Band procedure and it has been recommended by my doctor. After further evaluation, they tell me that if I'm losing the weight like this naturally, then I should continue this process. My insurance company requires that I go through a 12 moth structured diet before they will accept me. Now granted this is not all genes and all that. I contributed to my weight. But at this point in time in my life I have now learned how to eat. This is something that I have never been able to do before. I know when to quit, I know when I have had enough. It feels wonderful to be able to say that. I’ve really had some will power too, My will to get healthy and be here for long time, to get married and have kids and be here for my wife and family. Those things mean a lot to me. I’m on the right path. The main reason for this post tonight is to let you all know that I went and weighed myself in today. Not at Beaumont, but I started up at Weigh****chers with my Girlfriend Amy and she has been in the program and it has worked for her. I will continue to do my shakes but I’m also now able to incorporate some food in my diet as I have been doing so all ready. OK I know I know so where does that leave me? What did the scale say? It’s been four months what has happened. Well when I last weighed myself about 4 months ago I had list approx. 70 pounds. And I’m Very Very Very proud to report to all of you that when I weighed in this morning I have PASSED MY GOAL!!!!!!!!! Since Jan 23rd 2007 I have lost a total of 103 pounds……… I finally did something right, I still have 3 months to go. I had no idea. I mean I could tell that I had lost weight. I bought a few new shirts and went down a few sizes, I had to buy all new underwear for myself. I'm so proud of myself right now. I have set another goal. If I can do what I did already then I can challenge myself to another 100 pounds in a year. Watch out y’all cause I got a new walk…….lol.


I have a blog that I update reagallery with my stories and what not battling obesity and I wanted to share it with you all in a hope that it may spark some friendships with people that know exactly what we're all going through.


My Blog


Thanks in advance and I wish success to each and every one of you



Michelle S.
on 11/11/07 1:11 am - Jenks, OK
Congratulations! Michelle
You call me a LOSER like it's a bad thing!
Pre-op/Surgery/ Post-op/Current/Goal
on 11/11/07 1:54 am - Albany, OR
Congratulations on your weight loss!! That is really awesome that you can do it without any of these surgeries. I hope you continue to do just as well until your at your goal. Keep up the great work! Michelle
~~~ Triple C. ~.
on 11/11/07 3:09 am - windy city native living -n-, MO
Congrats to you, Jess! You have accomplished something great, you should be very proud! I now realize that in my pre-op dieting days, I never learned how to eat properly. Even though I tried so many diets, I truly believe that is why I didn't have success with dieting. This definitely includes changing my mentality when it comes to eating. While I'm very thankful for having had the opportunity to have WLS, what I'm most thankful for is learning how to eat properly. I think out of everything good I've gained from this journey, I'd have to say learning to eat properly is what I'm most proud to have accomplished. That above even the lbs that I have lost or the size of my clothing. I feel this way because I think that will help me to stay as successful as I can be.  I wish you all the best as you continue on this path to better health. C

The 's of my life! -


Dx E
on 11/11/07 3:30 am - Northern, MS

Jess, Huge Congratulations! Lifestyle change rather than “a Diet” is right on target! Great to hear you are continuing with success! I just wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people either having Weight Loss Surgery, Or tackling Obesity through supervised “Life-Style” programs. And either way, we tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops, Non-Ops, new and some Old (at Goalies) Lap-Banders, RNY’ers, DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at-

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Keep up the Great Work! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 11/11/07 5:01 am - Sydney, Australia
Dont just walk, you STRUT!!!!  You have made me very happy, because, believe me, if you can do this without surgery please do it.  This is Obesity Help, not WLS help, so keep coming here and letting us know how you are going.  I am so thrilled that you have made it work for you. hugs, Helen
on 11/11/07 5:07 am - Sioux Falls, SD
Wow that is awesome!  You have done a great job.  I am so happy that you have found something that works for you.  No matter what tool a person uses there will always be ups and downs.  It is important to remember that.  Sometimes it is personal thing that brought you to a "down" while other times it is things like money.  I very much understand that.  Anyway keep up the great work!

Sioux Falls, SD

Height:  5'5.5"; Beginning weight 253
Educational seminar - 09/05/07; First consult - 09/17/07; Insurance rec'd submission - 10/01/07; Insurance approved - 10/05/07; Surgery - 11/21/07 (253 pounds of the morning of surgery); Mini goal met of down to 225 - 12/23/07.

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