what can you not eat

on 11/3/07 9:26 pm - UK

Hi I had my op a week ago and I am on liquids, soup etc. Getting really fed up of these and looking forward to moving on the the next stage. When I have moved through these I am looking forward to being able to eat sensible, small meals.....is my goal what happens in reality? What do most of you find you cannot eat - how do you go on with meat, fish, prawns bread etc.  Would like to know not just what the book says !

on 11/3/07 10:06 pm - shoreline, CT
RNY on 08/13/07 with
Hi, Congrats on your surgery.  I am about 3 months out and so far can eat anything that I've tried.  I have no problem with meat, toasted bread, veggies, fruit, etc.  However, I don't push the envelope too much.  I try any new foods in very small quantities to see how my pouch reacts.  So far, so good.  I also haven't tried anything with more than 8 grams of sugar (except milk) and also nothing high fat/fried.  My diet now has a good variety and I'm happy with it.  Keep plugging along with your liquids....I know it's hard but it will soon be over. Jen









Full of Life
on 11/3/07 10:18 pm - Broken Arrow, OK
Well I'll give you the long term picture.  At 2.5 years out I can eat MOST anything. Still cant do pork at all. I can eat breads (whole wheats,grains) but I have major issues with bloating, and gas pains and bread intensify that greatly so I don't eat them very often.  For my treats, I pretty much try to stick with no sugar added items. Skinny Cow has no sugar added ice cream sandwiches - they're great!  I LOVE steak, steak, and more steak!!! I buy my own extra lean hamburger and grill me up some burgers. (now at first I thought it was too expensive, but a pound is $3.88 and it makes four burgers, so that's cheaper then mcdonalds).  Chicken in any form is always a good choice for me.  Everyone is different though. Your pouch is what will determine what you can and can not have after surgery!!! Give it a no-no food and you'll soon know about it!!!!!!!! I tend to stick with things that I know my pouch will be happy with.  Best of wishes to you!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me


RNY 5-19-05      
hernia repair/tt 4-10-06
BW: 262 lbs     GW: 140 lbs     CW: 126 lbs

5 Day Pouch Test Graduate!!! I lost 5 pounds and feel GREAT

on 11/3/07 10:19 pm - Sunny Southern, CA
Feel free to check out my blog (link below) I post the foods I eat... just had Shrimp Kabobs last night. Good food in sensible portions is in your future. I personally don't do bread, rice, pasta, and sweets but that's my choice (they were my pre-op trigger foods). There are a couple of foods that sit a little heavy in my pouch (skins of cucumbers, peppers, etc.) and milk is not my pal (I do soy). Otherwise, I eat chicken, fish, steak, you name it. I just don't eat for 4 anymore.  YMMV. Hope this helps, ~Michelle

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

Ann M.
on 11/3/07 10:50 pm
Hi, I'm still on the liquid diet post-op and I can't tell you how much I would like to eat your avatar!  Those bacon and eggs look way too good this morning!  Maybe you can use a butterfly or some really gross looking food instead- just joking!  I love it.  Take Care! Ann
estelle S.
on 11/3/07 11:52 pm - Brant Lake, NY

LMAO - I was thinking the same thing,  I think its good you want to eat, I bet it means your healing good, you'll do fine and it will be no time when you'll be answering this question for yourself. good luck!


on 11/4/07 1:44 am - Sunny Southern, CA
 LOL Soon you will be able to and you'll have a day's worth of biotin from one of the eggs (good for the hair) Have a great day! ~Michelle

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

on 11/3/07 10:37 pm - elco, PA
I cannot drink milk at all but I can eat things with milk in them, like yogurt and ff puddings.  Also cant eat ice cream in any form, including frozen yogurt, will make me instantly sick.  I can eat eggs but sometimes they will make me sick so I only eat them once in awhile.  I choose to stay away from chocolate since that was a huge trigger food for me pre surgery.  I also dont eat alot of fried stuff.  Other than that I can eat anything, just in small amounts.  You will find through trial and error what you can tolerate and what you cant and you will make your own choices as far as the not so healthy stuff.  Good luck
on 11/3/07 10:52 pm - Mineola, TX
I am over 4 years out and can eat anything I want.  I gained some weight back with a pregnancy and have had a hard time losing it since I did eat anything I wanted! I just got back on track and it's wonderful to know that at this far out, the pouch still works.  I'll tell you this though, the more carbs and crap you eat, the more you CAN eat and the more you want.  Since I've gotten back on track, too much fat or sugar makes me really tired.  (I'm very happy about that!). Enjoy every moment at the beginning of your journey and take advantage of the easiest time for weight loss!  Your ability to eat will return and if you haven't made some lifestyle changes, so can the weight! Best of luck to you! Laina

Laina B.
250 / 160
9/9/03 Lap RNY
(Dr Charles Beall, Tyler TX - AWESOME!!!)
5/13/11 Cholecystectomy, extended abdominoplasty (anchor cut), and mastopexy
(Dr Charles Beall and Dr James Saar, Tyler TX - AWESOME!!!)
8/26/11 Abdominoplasty revision
(Dr James Saar, Tyler TX - AWESOME!!!)

Tammy H.
on 11/3/07 10:57 pm - Greenville, OH
The foods I can't eat are...fish ( even baked with no butter still makes me sick)...chicken hates me...I bake it until it falls off the bone, I chew it and chew it, and it still wants to get stuck...broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage gases me up...whole milk makes me very sick...I can tolerate 1 % and skim...I avoid butter/ margarine...but can get by with small amounts of lite butter...Anything spicy or with onions and garlic will make me sick...Noodles, and rice don't like me at all...I tried red beat eggs once, and the vinegar in them made me not want to ever eat them again...Also, tomato soup will never enter my mouth ever again... I can tolerate luncheon meat from the deli such as turkey or chicken breast, ham, turkey ham....Bologna and hotdogs make me acky feeling...I can eat all the sugary foods such as cookies, chocolate candy bars, cake, pie, and it doesnt affect me at all...I eat alot of mini caramel rice cakes...I do well with most cereals except for frosted mini wheats...I guess they just absorb too much milk and causes me to get sick...I can eat dinner rolls, bread, popcorn without any problems...I can eat potatoes as long as they arent fried....I do fix french fries in the oven which taste good to me...I fix alot of cheesy ham potato soup...Or scalloped potatoes in the oven...I do well with ham or hamburger...Steak seems to want to get stuck... It wont be long and you will be able to try new things...Just be careful and dont judge your tummy by what others may or may not be able to eat because everyone is different when it comes to tolerating foods...Good luck

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS will leave footprints in your heart...And may that friendship have such a ONENESS that when one weeps the other will taste salt...Friends are like balloons ; once you let them go you can't get them back....So I'm going to tie you to my heart so I never lose you.

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