need help....

on 11/1/07 11:41 am - Portland, OR
Hello family. I had my gastric bypass Sept 4th 2007. I did not loss very much the first month. I started at 284lb and am now 254.2lb. Why is this going sooooo slow? I have not started any exercise yet I have no energy, 2nd I can eat ANYTHING, but only 1/4th to 1 cup of what ever it is. No I do not eat junk! I am having a hard time drinking my unjury protien. Any one live in Portland OR to be my budy to walk and loss together ? Male or female. Can anyone give me some ideas to get this weight off? Did anyone go this slow on lossing? Thanks so much. :)
on 11/1/07 11:48 am - Humboldt, TN
Hey!   I am a slow loser too....... But I am positive with time I will be down to a healthy weight. I started out at 242lbs.....I am at 183 as of today.........    Are you drinking enough? Are you moving enough? There are MANY other protein shakes out there. I didn't like Unjury........ My nutritionist suggested Slim Fast Optima Shakes.......they have 10g of protein....also Pure Protein Bars 20g of WONDERFUL protein. I average 60 to 80g of protein a day...........  If you go to the OR board i bet you'll find a buddy. But you are always welcome here on the Main Board..........  Don't be so hard on yourself........ EVERBODY loses at different rates........EVERBODY is made different.............. Keep in touch with OH and you will be just fine! Hugs, Leticia

Work like you don't need the money......

Iced Latte
on 11/1/07 11:47 pm - Northeastern, LA
You are a fibber too!!!!  You lost 59 pounds in 11 weeks Leticia!  That is not slow!  I am three days behind you and I only wish I lost 59 pounds since surgery.  I've lost 43 and I don't think that I am a slow loser.


Dx E
on 11/1/07 12:26 pm - Northern, MS

I don’t know, Sounds pretty great to me. At that rate? You’ll be 92 lbs. in the first year. How small were you planning on going In first 18 months of the "Honeymoon phase?" Step back from the scales and think "long range." As soon as able, do get some exercise, Even the littlest each week makes a Huge difference each month. I was in Portland Day before yesterday. Quite a few WLS’ers in your area. Get in your protein and water, And make sure you vitamin intake is as recommended. Hang in there. It does get easier. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 11/1/07 5:52 pm - Portland, OR
Hello, I have always been very small. My younger years I was 116lb In 1992 I was 129lb. I had 3 boys two before and two after my last baby I was on my way to an easter party and we were hit on the freeway after that I grew all the way up to 307lb But before the gastric I was down to 284lb. I know I have lost inches because I am in xtra large I was in a 2x I just wanted it to be a little faster. I still take norco morphine and flex for the disc pain, but I can exercise I am just lazy I guess. Thanks for the feedback.-Angela
on 11/2/07 12:40 am - Vancouver, WA
You definitely need to exercise.  It will help tone up your muscles as you lose.  I known Dr. Jan expects you to exercise, too. If you want an accountability partner you may be better off asking for that on the Oregon forum.  Also, when we have our get-togethers, you should try to attend.  There was suggestion of one this weekend but that doesn't look like it is going to be happening. Dx always has incredible advice.  Listen to what he's telling you and I'm sure you'll be at goal in no time. Lori
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