Just checking in to say hello!

on 10/15/07 12:32 pm - Montreal, Canada
Hiya gang, So it's my first day of "work from home" this week with Pinalope home from surgery. I must say that I'm impressed with her progress. She is very itchy, however - I guess the compression garment is like wearing a cast. Tomorrow, we go to get the drains taken out. I have my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery. She's a hell of a trooper and will probably heal very quickly. Meanwhile, I'm a nervous wreck. I know, I'm a Nervous Nelly - just want things to go well for her. One of the neat pleasures this week has been seeing our oldest , Patrick, drop in for visits between his college classes. It is such a reward watching the boys grow up. Next year will be Dylan's turn in CEGEP (it's college in Quebec, pre-University). I've been getting up early and working hard throughout the day ... I have some editing to do on our software manuals. Well, I haven't got a lot to say tonight, except "glad that you're always there for me". Take care and keep smiling! Fredling PS - I'm at 153 pounds lost so far. (and counting)
Fredling Loves Pinalope!

Kristie T.
on 10/15/07 12:45 pm - Hamilton, AL

Glad to hear Pinalope is doing Good, I am sending well wishes her way...


on 10/15/07 12:50 pm - Sunny Southern, CA

Hey slim, -153 Wowowow!

Enjoy your work from home week. So glad Pinalope is doing so well. Itchy = good healing sign.

Take care, ~Michelle

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

peggy H.
on 10/15/07 12:52 pm
Hey Cutie Pie, Did you get your golden locks cut off.  If you already told us , I missed the missive. How's the sweetie girl doing this fine So. Cal evening? We're hopin the healing is heading  in the right direction. Hope you all rest well. Congrats on the loss of a granny size person.

Dx E
on 10/15/07 1:18 pm - Northern, MS

Glad to hear all is going well for you two!      ------153?! Keep it Up!! For Linda?  My only advice…. ICE PACKS WORK!

Uncomfortable as all Getout!  But they speed the healing… That, and the swelling will last about twice as long as seems sane… No matter how soon it goes away, it’s never soon enough. Hang in there! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 10/15/07 1:20 pm - Eugene, OR
Hey Fredling - you're doing super at the weight loss!  I'm so glad you're there to take care of Pinalope.  Keep us posted! Linda

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 10/15/07 10:17 pm - CA
You two are such a great couple!  It's so neat you have each other.  WOW!  You are doing awesome on your weight loss journey.  Tell Pinalope we're thinking of her. Paula
on 10/15/07 10:36 pm - Colorful, CO
Fredling, I am so glad that you get to stay at home with her... what a great and glorious thing!!! Tell her I wish her peace, love & daisies to speed the recovery up!  P.S. 153? OMG!!!! WOW!!! Congrats!!!!

   ohcc_dandee.gif image by Blazing_Fire1975

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