"The Grocery List" - hopefully useful for some...

Dx E
on 10/8/07 4:39 am - Northern, MS
Just a Long Re-post from my past- But may have some useful info for some who’ve not seen it. Maybe. Pass on by if not……….. ----------------------------------------------------------  The Grocery List! I see questions about "What to Eat?" And people talking about not being able to resist Certain items at home. Here’s a "WFM" – (worked for me?) Take it or forget it. It’s mainly "Food Choices." **(and these are for the 4 to 6 month-plus "SOLID" choices) A Way to get veggies and Fiber back in your life along with protein- Very important-   Its Hard to resist eating something at home- When no one is around or if you are just in the mood for a snack. But it’s Easy to resist items in the middle of a Crowded Grocery Store. So, I’ve kept the "Food Choice" activity IN the grocery store, and Out of my home. (example- It’s easier to Not Pull into a Shop and Buy Cigarettes Than it is to Not Pull one from the pack sitting in your pocket.) Yes? When I shop for groceries, here are some of the items That I buy Nearly Every Time. My "staples." *PROTEIN/MEATS- Chicken breasts, (Skinned and de-boned. Pricier but worth it in time.) Fish, - (Tilapia, Catfish, Salmon, Shrimp, Tuna, etc… Usually fresh or frozen) Tofu, (Extra-Firm) Textured Vegetable Protein, ("Health-food" section) Deli Sliced Roast Turkey, *The MAYBES- depending on sale prices- Maybe a little Sausage- (Sweet or Hot Italian every other grocery trip) Maybe Center Cut Pork Chops, Maybe Laura Lean Ground Sirloin, Maybe some Deli Meat for antipasto, Frozen or Fresh Turkey Breast (when on sale) *VEGGIES/PRODUCE AREA- Peppers, (a lot!) (I eat these nearly Every Day) (Red, Green, Yellow, Jalepenos, Banana peppers, etc..) Onions, (Green Onions/Scallions, Red, Yellow) Celery, Turnips!! Fresh Bean Sprouts, Little "prepped" Carrots, Radishes (when available) Spaghetti Squash, Fresh Mushrooms, (Portobello, Chanterelle, Enoki, Shiitake, Cremini, etc…) Pre-Washed-Prepped Salad, Roma Tomatoes, (a lot) Broccoli, Fresh Green Beans, Zucchini and Squash, Cabbage, (Red, Green, or Napa/Chinese) Berries of some sort, (Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries) Apples, (I eat an Apple a Day or close) Lemons, Limes, Un-Salted Produce Packed Nuts, (Raw Almonds, Walnuts) I’ll also pick up one Produce "special" item each trip such as Fennel, Eggplant, Bok Choy, Asparagus, etc… Hummmmm? No Potatoes? *CANNED AISLES- Diced Tomatoes, (With Italian Spices, Mexican Spices, or Rotel with Peppers) No Sugar Added Tomato Sauce, Tomato Paste, Beans, (Pinto, No-Fat Re-fried, Butter Beans, Red Beans, Black, etc…) Albacore White Tuna in Water, No Sugar Added Peanut Butter, *FROZEN FOODS- Little Nibblet corn on the cob Zucchini and Squash, (if not available fresh) *DAIRY- Eggs (a lot. Like "Cool-Hand-Luke" Bet - A lot!) Carb Countdown Dairy Beverage, (Low Fat) Carb Control Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, (Reduced Fat) Skim milk, Cheese, (Lower-fat and normal- All Kinds) Low-Fat Sour Cream *MISC- Olive Oil, Maybe – Kalamata Olives (from the deli section, my true guilty pleasure) Total Protein Cereal, (or some low-carb-high-protein cereal) Spices, (at least one new or fresh herb each week) Sugar-Free Popsicycles (still love them from my start of Post-Op) Mission "No Carb" Tortillas, FlatOutBread-the Best! - http://www.flatoutbread.com/movie.html Diet V8 Splash, (Love It!) Starbuck’s De-Caf Sumatran Coffee, Slimfast Low-Carb Chocolate Royale or Vanilla Cream Shakes (I put a splash in my coffee, Yum and high protein) AND THAT’S MOSTLY IT! And now and then some "staples" such as- Ezekial Sprouted Grain Bread, (For the Family, I have it maybe once a week) Corn Meal, Flax Seeds, Canola Oil, Textured Vegetable Protein, Steel-cut Oats, Low-Fat Canola Mayo, etc… I’ll pick those up. Yes, on occasion, I’ll pick up something "special" For when guests are coming, Like the makings for a SF Banana Pudding, or SF Low Carb Baking stuff, But those are for "Special ‘Planned’ Events" not just ‘the usual.’ But Notice the general lack Of Processed Starch in this grocery list. I get my Carbs, sure, but mostly through Veggies, and Fruit Rather than Potatoes, Breads, Noodles, Rice, etc… No Pretzels, Chips, sweets, etc… Not a bunch of "Faux-Sweets." No "SF-Ice-Cream, SF Cookies, ‘Baked’ Chips, No Thin-Crust Low-Carb Pizza, (not a lot of "Less Healthy Choices" dressed up in – "Lite-or Re-duced Calorie" versions.) Also a low incidence of Butter, Margarine, Crisco, etc… Canola and Olive Oil rule in the kitchen. Also Notice the high concentration of Non-Processed Produce. Very Good for you! Not only the fiber to keep "Regular," But, I try to eat one "color" From Each Phyto-Nutrient Group every day. Red Peppers or tomatoes, (Lycopene) Purple cabbage or Blueberries, (anthocyanin has anti-cancer properties) Deep greens of salad greens,( Isothiocyanates/thiocyanates, Strong Antioxidants) Yellow/orange from Carrots, Squash, etc (lutein, beta carotene, etc…) I Try to get in all Of the possible Phytochemicals each day. Push the nutrients- "Food is Fuel, not a reward or treat" So go for the highest Quality Fuel! Yes? I also buy in very small quantities. Just a bit of each fre****em So that nothing "goes bad" before I can use it. By taking one Meat/Protein, and preparing it With at least 2 veggies, Limit to one canned or dairy item, Recipes are a breeze and depending on the spices used You can have an endless variety of meals. (I Love Bob’s passed on quote- "Spices are proof God loves us and wants us to be happy.") I cook a lot, but when out of town for my work, I follow the "protein first rule" when eating out. By the time I finish the piece of fish or chicken, I’m usually full before I can get in much or anything else. At home, it’s far easier. I Just eat what’s in the house! I tend to keep some sort of Cucumber/tomato/onion/pepper salad combo ready in the fridge, along with some Ostrim, or Poached chicken breast. If there is stuff all ready and waiting, it's easier to just grab it, than to linger over "what will I make to eat?" All of that standing and staring into the fridge is short-circuited by a fridge full of "Good Stuff" to eat already prepped. This is a lot of babble, but for those out there having difficulty Avoiding High-Carb/Calorie, Low Nutrition Foods, --This has helped me, And become ROUTINE enough so I’m not constantly Facing "Food Choice Issues." I don’t have to Think about it, I just follow my habits. That’s what got me Obese to start with, Habitual Eating, rather than Consciously Choosing each Item I put in my mouth, So I figured it was a fairly effective Course of Action For Habitually eating Healthy Choices as well. Yes, Now that I’m beyond 3 1/2 years out, On OCCASION, I eat Noodles, Potatoes, etc… But because I have set up New Habits in eating, It always is a very conscience choice rather than just a constant. When Not Thinking about it, I usually just eat Low-Carb/Cal foods that are packed with nutrition.   For those looking for the easy simple idea-? Just shop the "Outer Aisles" of the grocery store. This way you’ll hit FRESH PRODUCE, DAIRY, MEAT/FISH But not the processed canned stuff. Yes? Try it and see. Stick to the perimeter!! It works. This has made getting to and staying at a normal BMI (with Normal Bowel Movements) Easy for ME. Hope this helps some- I’m sure that others will have "Go To" Choices as well that work for them. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 10/8/07 5:13 am - New Orleans, LA
Thanks Dx for caring and taking the time out to Repost this information that you compiled previously...you look great and have and still are doing such a fantastic job....continued blessings with your journey,Dreamz

Cherish Yesterday, Dream Tomorrow, Live Today


 God Grant Me the Serenity to Accept the Things I Cannot Change, Courage to Change the Things I Can, and the Wisdom to Know the Difference  



Dx E
on 10/8/07 5:20 am - Northern, MS
Thanks Dreamz! Hope some find my old stuff useful... Best Wishes- Dx
on 10/8/07 5:15 am - Sioux Falls, SD
Thanks for the info.  I will look into these when I get to that stage.

Sioux Falls, SD

Height:  5'5.5"; Beginning weight 253
Educational seminar - 09/05/07; First consult - 09/17/07; Insurance rec'd submission - 10/01/07; Insurance approved - 10/05/07; Surgery - 11/21/07 (253 pounds of the morning of surgery); Mini goal met of down to 225 - 12/23/07.

Dx E
on 10/8/07 5:22 am - Northern, MS
Steph, Nearly at your first Month anniversary? Hang in there! You'll be having real foods of all sorts soon enough! Keep up the Great Work! Best Wishes- Dx
on 10/8/07 5:24 am - Sioux Falls, SD
Actually no.  I was just approved to have the surgery on Friday.  I left a message for the nurse to call to see how to schedule all the pre-op tests this morning.  Got the psych test scheduled though.

Sioux Falls, SD

Height:  5'5.5"; Beginning weight 253
Educational seminar - 09/05/07; First consult - 09/17/07; Insurance rec'd submission - 10/01/07; Insurance approved - 10/05/07; Surgery - 11/21/07 (253 pounds of the morning of surgery); Mini goal met of down to 225 - 12/23/07.

Dx E
on 10/8/07 5:45 am - Northern, MS
Ooop, My Bad, I saw the 09/11/07 out of the corner of my eye And thought that was the surgery date. Hope all goes smoothly for you! Best Wishes- Dx
(deactivated member)
on 10/8/07 5:15 am - IN
Thanks Dx, John and i love that vegetable protien too. I make red beans and brown rice and add 2 cups of the veggie protien and it makes enough for a log rolling lol. I freeze half of it. Thanks for taking the time to post this:) Hugs Val
Dx E
on 10/8/07 5:19 am - Northern, MS
Val, Did you get the nurse to respond yet? Stay on em!! Hope you are doing Much Better Soon! Best Wishes- Dx
on 10/8/07 5:47 am - Lindenwold, NJ
thanks for the posting Dx :) it sure does help --stay  with the perimeter -- i like that -- makes shopping easier :) never thought of that before when i've gone shopping  thanks roberta
      Ross & Roberta Cassety 
Ross - Open RNY 5/22/06 - 373/194
- BCBS Horizon NJ
Roberta - Open RNY  11/22/06 - 228/126- Aetna QPOS

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