C. Richardson
on 10/8/07 6:31 am
I had open gastric bypass.. Had zero complications, quick recovery (back to work in 1 1/2 weeks) and still continue to lose and have great results.  Almost lost 200 lbs in 13mo's.  I'm loving in and would do it again in a heartbeat.   Good Luck to you! Christina



on 10/8/07 6:32 am - energy, IL
Its great to hear of the ones with non major problems. It helpos put some of my fears to rest. It also make me more excided than afraid.
on 10/8/07 6:34 am - LaBelle, FL
Someone asked the same thing earlier today.  Here's a copy of what I posted to respond... I am happy to report that I am 13  mos postop and completely complication free.  The absolute worst thing that has happened to me since my surgery is the occasional bout with constipation.  And, since Sept 17th when I started a fiber pill regimen, I've been constipation free--3 weeks today and all I'm using are the fiber pills...no laxatives and no stool softeners!  WooHoo!! I'm down from 410 pounds to 220 pounds, which is a loss of 190 pounds in those 13 mos.  I'm down from a size 36W (4X from Roaman's) to a size 18 and 20.  I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, severe joint damage from the weight and arthritis, degenerative disk disease in my lumbar spine, etc.  NOW, I can do SO much more!  I have more energy to do it with too!  I'm off of like 8 different prescription medications and now take only my vitamins and my thyroid medication.  SO, if you ask me on ANY day of the week/month/year whether is is really worth it, I'd give you a resounding YES!!  I'd do this again on a monthly basis if that is what it took to regain my health like I have this past year!  My health was to the point that I had a disabled parking permit, couldn't work at much of anything, and spent most of my time holed up at home....  Now, I am working again, I exercise, and I LIVE LIFE!  I do things with my daughter and hubby now that I used to sit back and watch them do.  And, though they've been a bit resistant, they are learning better eating habits and life habits too!  My surgery has had a positive effect on my whole family! As someone else said, only you can make this decision for you...  If you make it for the right reasons (your health and not vanity), then you will do fine.  For many folks who have WLS, it is a must-do sort of thing--lose the weight or....  You know the list!  I have a girlfriend who will be 4 years postop in Feb and for her it was lose the weight or DIE from her congestive heart failure.  She'd been given 6 mos to live without losing the weight and taking the strain off her heart.  SO, almost 4 years later, she's still here and going strong!  Her heart will always be in bad shape, but she's able to get around again and enjoy life with her family whi*****ludes two grandbabies that she'd never have even seen without this surgery as one just turned two this year and the other was just born this year!  I think that I'd have been in the same boat as her if I hadn't had the surgery....I may have had grandbabies, but I wouldn't have been able to enjoy them like I can now and I may not have lived to see them. Feel free to PM me if you want to chat! Hugs, Lea

Lovin' Life with Lea

Lea in WV   HW410/CW220/GW185   Proximal RNY 8/29/06
ObesityHelp Mini-Challenge Support Group Leader
CLICK HERE for discount codes for savings on various WLS-friendly products!

(deactivated member)
on 10/8/07 6:35 am - Stewartville, MN
I am almost 9 months post op, have lost 125lbs and have had absolutely NO surgery related health problems, my surgery went well, I had it on a Wednesday and was home by Friday. Good Luck!!
H A.
on 10/8/07 6:36 am - NOR CAL, CA

I had surgery 3 months ago on Friday. The first week was hard but every day got easier. When I mean hard there was some pain where the largest port was and it hurt when I moved. On a scale from 1-10 it was about a 4 or 5. Meds do great for that. I was tired for a while so plan to rest. Other than that I'm amazed how great I feel.

Have a positive attitude and learn everything you can and follow all directions about food stages vitamins etc and you'll do great!
on 10/8/07 6:48 am - AL
I had an uneventful surgery almost a year ago now and have had zero complications!  God is good!!  The worst thing I encountered was eating pureed food during that stage, but hey it was well worth it.  I am down 130 lbs....10 lbs to go to goal!!!!!  Having said that, I don't want to minimize the risk of this surgery.  Some people have had major complications, and as we all know some have even died.  Before my surgery I really prayed and sought God for an answer.  Finally I felt a peace about having the surgery and knew that I had God's blessing to proceed.  Just wanted to share that very important part of my journey.  Best of luck to you!    

start 308/goal 160/ curent 145  @ 5'9"

Lisa B
on 10/8/07 6:59 am - Riverside, CA
I am 8 months post op. I have had ZERO complications with the surgery or aftercare (ie: food, pain ). I have been so lucky! I think there are many who have no problems at all, I think we just tend to focus on the ones who have difficult times, at least that is what I tended to do before surgery. My DH is going to have surgery hopefully in the next few weeks. I am so happy that he has decided to do this,however I am a bit nervous that he may not be as fortunate as I have been and then have regrets.  This is the best thing I have ever done for myself! Good luck!

BIG Hugs,
"When I look good, I feel good....when I feel good, I look even better! "

on 10/8/07 7:04 am - Colorado Springs, CO
I have had ZERO issues, was even able to leave the hospital early.  I had my first surgery to place a filter at 7am and the rny shortly after. Was in my room by 3pm and arguing with the nurse about walking at 5pm.  the Doc came in and said I could walk if I wanted, so was up and walking by 8:30 that evening.  I think for me at least I was doing so well due to a positive attitude, and getting up as soon as possible after surgery.  I was up walking a lot.  Good luck to you in your journey.
Gayle  6'2" 

on 10/8/07 7:05 am - Phoenix, AZ
Bless your heart!  You have had so many fears as the time for your surgery approaches.  Have you tried talking to the psychologist about them?  I would be so happy for you if you could find some inner peace about this.  I had lap RNY in July.  I have had an uneventful recovery and am losing weight daily.   Any problems I have had (foamies) have occurred because I either at too quickly or had too large a bite.  This is a learning curve.  I have not one single regret about having had this done and look forward to each day being better and better.  If you find the fears too great, maybe you should postpone until you feel more ready.  Some anxiety is normal, but if it is so severe it is all consuming, it should be addressed.  Best of luck.
on 10/8/07 7:17 am - Brentwood, CA
Thanks for starting this thread Casey!  I too am pre-op and was starting to feel (though I suspected it was irrational) like no one ever got through WLS without misery & despair! To all of you *****sponded - you rock!  I am not unrealistic that complications don't happen, but I feel like I have the ratios a little more in perspective now. Thanks!! Cathy C.
"One man's ways may be as good as another's, but we all like our own best." Jane Austen

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