on 10/8/07 5:43 am - Lodi, CA
Hi there!  I had surgery 6 weeks tomorrow.  I had surgery on a Tuesday afternoon and that night I was up walking and talking on the phone.  The pain I could feel but not to bad.  The next day I was on clear liquids, was walking around, laying on my side while I slept , all of this with minimal pain.  Thursday afternoon I was released to go home and on full liquids.  By this time I was walking around the hospital floor 4x's.  After I was released and home I never took anymore pain medications because I didn't have any pain.  Yeah a little soreness, but that was it.  I thought my C-Section was more pain than this!  I have had no complications thus far and I don't regret my decision.  I too was scared like you and put my surgey off for over a year until I decided that it was time, I wanted to be healthy and no matter what happens I was making the right decision.  I had doubts all the time even right before the surgery...being in the room and looking around at all the lights and being strapped in, I was crying..scared.  This is normal and even the nurse said alot of people have the surge of emotions because it's a life changing experience.  I wish you the best in your weight loss journey and keep a positive outlook! Huggs, Cherié

(deactivated member)
on 10/8/07 5:47 am
Hi, Casey: I know it seems upsetting to see people report problems, but a lot of them are relatively minor problems. Nevertheless, about 20% of people have complications from bariatric surgery  The good news is that 80% do not. (Statistic from Maggard,et al: see this reprint   http://www.annals.org/cgi/reprint/142/7/547.pdf How can you reduce your risk? Pick the most experienced surgeon you can find. Pick the best medical center. Ask your surgeon about his/her complication rate. There are fewer complications with laparascopic surgery than open surgery. There are fewer complications for those who are at the lower end of the morbidly obese range than for those who are super morbidly obese. There are fewer complications for women than men and fewer for people who don't have other problems like diabetes/heart disease/lung problems/blood clot history. The surgeon's experience is one of the best predictors of problems. Ask about it. Ask how many procedures he's done. I've heard some recommendations that you pick someone who has done at least 100 of the procedure you want. The quality of the hospital is also important. Do they have a specialized bariatric program with nurses who are trained in bariatric problems? Keep asking questions. Good luck!
(deactivated member)
on 10/8/07 5:47 am - MT
I am a year out. No complications. I did feel crappy the first couple weeks but nothing that would have killed me lol. Mostly tired ( we aren't able to get much in, in the way of nutrition for a while) but I don't remember pain much pain (thats what pain meds were for *grin*). No worries, you will be fine. Most of the people I know in fact have little to no complications and had a very fast and smooth recovery time. The "bad things happen" posts, tend to stand out a bit more when we are pre-op as we are scared in the first place and they can feed our fears a bit. If you know in your heart and soul you are doing the right thing for yourself and your health then no matter the fear you should still WANT to do this... If the fear is stronger then maybe waiting would be best. *huggles* and Best Wishes! Felicia =0)
on 10/8/07 5:49 am - Martinsville, IN

I had my surgery in January of this year and I haven't had any complications at all.  I know what you mean about reading the posts on this site sometimes they are scarry, but the way I look at it is that by reading them I learn alot of stuff that the dr & nut haven't told me because it is from experience.  I like to read these post because it helps me know what to do or what to look for if something should happen. 

Try not to focus on the negative. Try to see the positive, that we are all here to help each other on this journey.  Please don't be scared if you need a friend to help you through I am here.

Good Luck in whatever you decide.

Hugs and prayers.

Tonya       Highest-295/Current-143/Goal-150

on 10/8/07 5:49 am - Eugene, OR
I had a great surgery and no problems since.  I have to admit, reading the board lately is making me really depressed people are just WHINING!  And I hate that. Linda

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 10/8/07 5:58 am - Toulouse, France

Sleeve Gastrectomy folks have the fewest complications, not zero, but lower.  I was supposed to get a sleeve, surgeon got his laparoscopic instruments in me and my strange stomach wouldn't take the staples. He had to open me up and give me a RNY instead, stich me all back up by hand. Surgeon says it's happened to him once before in 7 years, so I'm kinda unique there.  But since that scary day (for which I was asleep the whole time) it's been all good. The first couple of weeks were quite unpleasant, but no rehospitalization, no infections, no strictures, no ulcer, no dumping, I eat very healthy, all good so far. I am knocking on wood with one hand and typing with the other! 

on 10/8/07 6:38 am - BRISTOL, CT

I had RNY lap on Oct. 16th 2006, I'm almost a year out. i have had no complications at all. Went back to work a week after surgery. I've lost 133 pounds and weigh in at 134. Hope to lose another 5 pounds and then I will be at goal. Don't know if I will get there by the middle of next week, but that's ok, I feel great and would do it again in a heart beat.


on 10/8/07 6:01 am, edited 10/8/07 6:03 am - Hokes Bluff, AL
Hi Casey, I had a differnet kind of surgery than you are having, I had it out of country and had a flawless recovery.  My DS was done open, and I stayed in the hospital for 3 days on the 4th day I walked about 2 blocks back to the motel, the day after my DH and I walked a mile to a local grocery store.  I had very little pain and did not take a lot of pain meds while I was there.  Within a week, I took a 9 hour train ride through the rainforest.  It was amazing!  I met my WL goal on my first anniversary.  I would not change a thing.  Everyone is differnet some have issues, some don't.  Keep in mind that people reach out when they need help, but not so much to say how wonderful things are.   Kym

mypictr_YouTube.jpg before/after avatar picture by Opp2mystic1          At goal for 4 years!


on 10/8/07 6:02 am - Douglasville, GA
I had a great surgery and no problems at all.  I am 4 1/2 months post op (lap RNY).  Surgery on Thursday late afternoon.  Home Friday at noon.  Went walking at the mall on Saturday.  So far have lost 90+ pounds and feel great!  Wish I had done this years ago.  I'm careful to take all my vitamins, eat enough protein and get plenty of liquids.  May you have as happy and successful experience as I have!
Marsha  One advantage of exercise is that you die healthier!

on 10/8/07 6:12 am - VA
Surgery on 6/18/07 and no problems so far. Plus I went home in a cab, took care of myself, no pain meds, and went to work from home at 1.5 weeks and into the office at 2 weeks. Twice I've gotten sick both times from trying to eat meat that was too dry.  I've had no processed carbs (except a max of 3 flat bread crackers), potatoes, rice, pasta or alcohol. Life is good!
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