Tawnya Z.
on 10/8/07 5:30 am - Brentwood, TN
I am only a month out, but back to work and feeling very well.  I haven't had any complications to the surgery, (Thank you Jesus).  I have lost  steadily and for the most part am feeling up to daily tasks and chores.  I know that some of the posts can be scary....but in your own life, when things are going along swimmingly do you complain?  I know I don't.  However, when I start to sink or flounder I am very vocal.  The other day when I had leg cramps, I did complain....but other than that...  Best of luck to you.
"I thank thee, O my God, for all the graces thou hast bestowed on me."                     St. Therese of Lisieux

on 10/8/07 5:30 am - Knoxville, TN

I have had no problems what so ever.  I had my surgery 11-14-07 and have lost around 127 pounds.  I've had no problem with eating, I can eat anything, I have not dumped or had problems with any thing getting stuck.  The first couple of months I did have a couple episodes with throwing up but that was my fault.  You have to figure out your limitations.  My 6 month blood work was wonderful.  The only "problems" would be the head hunger.  I want to snack all the time.  I just keep fruit and nuts around and don't eat the bad stuff.  This surgery has changed my life and I can 't believe how much better I feel.  I would do it again in a minute.  Of course everyone is different, just because I've had no problems doesn't mean you won't.  I was scared also, I had to self pay so if anything had went wrong it could have ruined my family financially.  I trusted in the lord and he pulled me through.  I hope you make the right decision for you. 

on 10/8/07 5:30 am - Lindenwold, NJ
hi debbie  both me and my husband had text book surgeries -- not a problem at all -- i went in on a wednesday morning for open rny -- walking wednesday afternoon -- morphine is beautiful -- breakfast of SF jello and i forget what else on friday morning -- home friday afternoon - percs for discomfort trying to lay down on saturday afternoon and sunday afternoon -- only the 2 pills -- driving on monday to go walking around some stores -- back to work in 17 days from surgery -- got sick on chicken once -- got sick on toast the other day -- other than that not a problem --weight came off -- had my 6 month visit in may -- everything in labs was great -- husband went in on a monday -- home on wednesday -- back to work in 6 weeks -- only cuz he COULD take off the 6 weeks -- weight came off -- great labs at 6 months and 1 yr -- to look at us you would never know we had the surgery -- unless you know WHAT to look for :) certain way the skin wrinkles and stuff -- other than that the clothes hide it all -- we eat -- we drink -- we do other things -- not one problem since we both had our surgeries -- no one ever posts the good stuff :) and the husband gets all his protein from food -- he does not suppliment -- you don't have to suppliment the protein -- i do -- only because i don't eat breakfast - never did eat breakfast -- take your vitamins -- drink your water -- we both drink flavored water -- and you shouldn't have a problem -- keep a sense of humor!! when that skin starts to do funky things it is a good idea to have a good sense of humor :) good luck to you  Roberta
      Ross & Roberta Cassety 
Ross - Open RNY 5/22/06 - 373/194
- BCBS Horizon NJ
Roberta - Open RNY  11/22/06 - 228/126- Aetna QPOS

Let someone know that you are thinking of them

Chris C.
on 10/8/07 5:34 am - Hastings, NE
Hello there, I recently had surgery (08-06-07) and have not had any complications at all. I am very happy with it and recommend it. I think the VERY most important  thing you can do is make sure you have a competant surgeon that has a lot of experience.  Best of luck to you and blessings,


on 10/8/07 5:35 am - salisbury, MA
hello I just wanted to add myself to the list of people who havent had any problems during or after surgery. I am three months out and I can tell you this is the best thing i have ever done. I feel very blessed because i have heard some of the possible problems many people have, but thank God I have had smooth sailing. I have more energy than i have had in years and I have a hopeful more positive future ahead of me. Thanks for letting me share and I hope this was encouraging. Good luck!
305 highest/160cur/ 140 goal

Isha F.
on 10/8/07 5:35 am
My post op life is amazing.  My eating is wonderful & I never get sick when I eat. Surgery recovery was hard for me, but I am kinda a whimp.  Feel free to read my profile about my journey!  I wish you the best!

Isha - I lost 235 pounds EATING NORMAL!  Saavy? Click on my name to find out why I chose the Duodenal Switch Surgery instead. 

isha.jpg picture by leaannjohnson
 Captain Hook: [to Wendy] Didst thou ever want to be a pirate? 


Renee S.
on 10/8/07 5:37 am - Muskegon, MI
Debbie, Are you reading about complications or just complaints? We are on this board to support one another so alot of times people complain about stuff even if it is minor but compared to before surgery the after effects really are not that bad for most. If you ask 100 people if they would do it again I would bet at least 95 of them would say yes.  I am 10 weeks out and have already lost over 60 pounds. I only have 36 more pounds to go to reach my surgeons goal and 49 to reach my goal. I hoped to be under 200 pounds by Jan 1 and I made it there last week. I have had no problems or complications besides being tired sometimes and that is from my iron which I had problems with before surgery. Just make sure you follow the program and it will surprise you how fast things fly by and how glad you will be if you decide to have the surgery. The decision is yours and noone else can make that choice but I am very glad I did it! Good luck, Renee

Hark! Who is that, prowling amidst the cliffs! It is Renee, hands clutching a bladed baseball bat! And with a booming bellow, her voice cometh:

"Hail the blood-letting! I pillage with God on my side!!!"

on 10/8/07 5:38 am - Charleston, SC
I had a great experience with my surgery. I had a quick recovery and the results came within the first 30days.  Please don't let yourself be alarmed. Yes, some people have had some aweful experiences, but I was so  blessed with this adventure.   You deal with any situations as they present themselves. Just go on and research all angles  and stand on your choice. Being nervous is common, but the awesome results are vastly sweeter than the anguish you are thinking of now. Go on!!!!!
Dx E
on 10/8/07 5:42 am - Northern, MS

People mostly post who are asking for ideas with their own problems, So rarely are there a run of posts that read- “Everything going Perfect as Planned! Just thought I’d Share!” Off the Board though, I am floored by all of the people in my local support group. No complications what-so-ever. One couldn’t tolerate chicken for a while, Till she started cooking it differently. And just look at these beautiful folks in this thread alone!!! I’m So Jealous!! Know that these Boards represent only a slight handful of the people Who get Bariatric procedures each year. There are many other WLS Community sites- WLS Forum, QuixoticWLS, Susan Maria’s Site, Yahoo Groups, Bariatric-forums.com, Duodenal Switch Support Forum, Lapbandbuddies, etc, etc, etc…. Many sites similar in focus to OH. Still, mostly used to swap ideas, So even though some are more focused on specific procedures, or further out Post-Op folks, they can often seem "all about the problems." Do your research, But don’t be jaded by the majority of posts being about difficulties.  Those with zero issues to discuss, Are often off the boards somewhere living their lives without checking in. Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 10/8/07 5:43 am - FL
I am 4 weeks out, and I have not had any problems or complications.  I had pain, but nothing that I couldn't tolerate.  My stomach felt like I had overdone it at the gym for the most part.  Good luck on your journey! Helen
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