Ever able to- Eat Like a "Normal Person?"

Dx E
on 10/8/07 12:07 am - Northern, MS

Wanda, I’m also a fan of ‘fried foods.’ But- All the time. I used to use Crisco, now?  Canola and olive oils. At Goal and great cholesterol levels to boot! I also get my protein from my foods. Just make better choices than I used to. Congratulations on your Success! Best Wishes- Dx


on 10/7/07 11:51 pm - Toulouse, France
Fabulous post Dx E! Absolutely the same experience for me (well, not all the complications you've had to endure), I eat like a normal person, not like a normal fatty, like a thin person. Some of everything, just not a lot of anything. No shakes, no powders, real food, had some ground beef at lunch, that'll keep my tummy busy for a while. I chew gum too, guess I like to live dangerously!!! Your profile is great Dex, I recommend it!
Dx E
on 10/8/07 12:10 am - Northern, MS

Joli, I worry that my profile may scare some away. It’s a bit of a horror movie, But it has a happy ending! It’s good to have the chance to post about Things going well, and not just the usual- Foamies, Hairloss, etc… posts. Congratulations on your Success! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Purple Passion
on 10/8/07 12:04 am - Little Falls, NJ
RNY on 08/06/07 with
Thanks for that. I love reading your posts!!

That's the exact reason that I had surgery...so I could be more like a "normal" person. Not a glutton, but someone who is of healthy weight eating a healhty diet. At 9 weeks out, I already feel more "normal".

I don't eat sugar for 2 reasons. #1 is that I'm so afraid that I'm going to dump and #2 because it's not good for me and I have an addiction to it. I know many, many people who choose not to eat sugar.

I stay away from high fat, rich foods because, honestly, it's not very heart healthy and I already have heart disease.

I can swallow my pills with no problem, nothing stuck. The only time I ever got sick was while eating too fast.

Looking for a possible revision.

Dx E
on 10/8/07 12:19 am - Northern, MS

Rachelle, Thanks for the kind words. Sugar?  Ain’t it somethin’? Ends up being responsible for more health issues than Cocaine, just as addictive, And just as sensible for Humans to be consuming. I get by without it just fine. Great start on your first 9 weeks! It gets better each month! Keep it Up! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 10/8/07 12:54 am - Easton, PA

Hello- great post- love the feelings and emotion behind it- very inspiring I had RNY 9/20/07  - everyday it gets better- Some of you have mentioned not using protein supplements- i love that idea             I don't personally care for the shakes or supplements and can't imagine choking them down (even thinking about it makes me gag)  soo my question is being a new post op - how long will it be till I can physically consume all my protein with food?  It seems next to impossible now.  And another question im sure has been asked a million times- if im getting protein from food how many grams do i need?  - Sorry if i hi-jacked the thread but thanks in advance-  Kelly!!!

Dx E
on 10/8/07 1:11 am - Northern, MS

Kelly, Some folks get stuck on protein shakes and develop a touch of “Food Fear,” Early on.  Something causes them to feel un-easy or gak, And they develop an aversion to that food. But, if they would wait a few weeks and try it again, Most find that they can in fact tolerate many more foods than they thought. Most, not all. For Me (your mileage may vary) the trick was making sure that everything I ate, had some protein in it. Yogurt, High protein cereal, Meats, Beans, eggs, etc… Many find that around the 6 month mark, Their pouches swelling has gone completely And they are able to get in a bit more food. As long as that extra food in high in protein, lower in calories, then Great! I also eat 5 to 6 “mini-meals” a day. Per-Doctors orders, I have Breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, then dinner.  Sometimes followed by A little something later that night like cottage cheese with a little fruit. My total calorie intact is for maintenance rather than losing So I get in around 2200 calories a day. (based on my height, weight, activity level, resting metabolic rate and sex.  Men do tend to need more calories.) Use the supplements till you can swap in enough foods that will bring your Protein levels up to the requirements for your body’s needs. It does seem impossible early on. Eventually, little by little, as you re-build your new dietary intake You’ll be amazed at how easy it becomes. If you don’t start adding in High-Cal-Low-Protein Starches There will be plenty of room for the protein. Hang in there! It does get easier! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 10/8/07 12:59 am - NY
I needed this today!  Thank you everyone for the great posts... I am having my surgery in one week, and suddenly getting nervous.  I am confident in my decision, but I know it can be a tough road.  I guess I have just started feeling unprepared all of a sudden.  Hearing common complaints, myths, worries, etc spelled out and dispelled is just what I needed to put me back at ease. I am on my way to meet with a friend of my mom's who runs a support group in a neighboring town, so that should put me at ease some too.   Congrats everyone on you successes! Jen


Dx E
on 10/8/07 1:46 am - Northern, MS
jen, pre-op jitters are super common. Like a wedding day approaching. Have the Greatest! Best Wishes- Dx
on 10/8/07 1:19 am - RI
First, Dxe, excellent post, thanks!!! Suzeanne, thats exactly how I feel---I miss the "idea" of pigging out---but I dont want to actually eat it...weird, huh? I guess I ate for entertainment for so damn long, its odd to not be doing that....
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