Ever able to- Eat Like a "Normal Person?"

on 10/7/07 11:31 pm - Macon, GA
Thanks I needed that!  I am post-op 2 weeks and a little depressed. 

Dx E
on 10/7/07 11:38 pm - Northern, MS

Those first weeks are so tough. Hang in there! Most everyone in those first few weeks has those first feelings of- “Why have I done this to Myself!?!” But fortunately, most everyone at around a year out has those feelings of- “Why didn’t I do this sooner?!?” Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 10/7/07 11:34 pm - Spokane Valley, WA
Great post! Im 5 months out. I think I eat normal.  though not like i did pre op.   Now i just eat like a normal thin person, instead of a normal obese glutton. Do I still have food addictions? Yup.   #1   Chocolate.  (dont dump) #2 Beef Jerky. I LOVE salad.   I dont "have" to eat salad.. I love it now.   Bleu Cheese, Prawns, fresh tomatos, the works.   And I can eat a good ammt of it too. I now walk 20 to 25 miles per week.  At LEAST 2.5 miles a day.  Double it up to 5 miles, 2 or 3 days a week..depending on my schedule. (and how cold it is outside!) I can eat small ammts of steak.    I still have trouble with chicken, most of the time. I still do protein shakes for breakfast..  Helps with my walking in the morning, as I dont care for breakfast foods much. I worried so much pre op, about 'what i'd miss".   Funny..  post op, i just dont really miss it! Soft food stage, i missed the idea of "biting into something" (i'd picture a hamburger).. but if they put one on the table in front of me..it just doesnt sound good anymore. Breads is one thing i still cant eat.  (let me tell ya.. no bread, no tortilla can clean up your fast food habit!LOL) Sometimes i miss the "idea" if eating something..but i dont really miss it, when its put in front of me.  Sounds stranger.   I was a sourdough freak..  but really hardly miss it. (unless your in CA, the sourdough is kinda fake tasting anyway) I'd do all this again in a heartbeat.   Im down from (original weight) 230 to 170.  from size 20 to size 12.   Still have about 40 lbs to go..but at least im in human sizes again. So those of you preop worried.. Dont.   What you think is a big deal.. just isnt after. You dump alot of old cravings, and develope new ones. Suzanne
Dx E
on 10/7/07 11:48 pm - Northern, MS
Suzanne, that- "Sometimes i miss the "idea" if eating something.. but i dont really miss it, when its put in front of me." I understand COMPLETELY! I don't miss out on anything, But in the first year, I did miss the "Idea" of somethings. That's an odd feeling. (how to explain that one to someone who hasn't 'been there?') You are doing so great! Keep it Up!! Best Wishes- Dx
Janet H.
on 10/7/07 11:35 pm - Golden Valley, AZ
I want to thank you so very much for that post, I does help, I am still  pre op and was alittle worried that I might not eat good food again, 

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



Dx E
on 10/7/07 11:51 pm - Northern, MS

Janet, See, you’re already “Normal.” That worry is as common as deep navels out here! Have the Greatest! Best Wishes- Dx


on 10/7/07 11:36 pm - Spokane, WA
I always appreciate seeing your posts.   Normal is relative.  I will always have to watch what I eat--as most women of "normal" size do. I will always have the disease of obesity--it is how my body processes food; it's genetically based and surgery doesn't change genetics.  But it is a disease that can be managed, just like many others. My normal will be high protein, low carb real food.  The less processed the better.  I don't need fake food to eat like I was meant to eat. Normal means saying no to myself when I need to and saying yes when I need to--not being silly on either end. Normal means eating well, but eating appropriately.   Well, actually, when you think about it and the current rate of obesity in American, maybe I'll never be normal again!  How wonderful. Sally 398 pre-op 161 almost 2 years post-op
Dx E
on 10/7/07 11:54 pm - Northern, MS

Sally, If I had only known how great “Fresh-Food” was, focusing on Quality, I would have never been so addicted to processed to death, Higher Quantity foods. Congratulations on your Great 2 years! 161? YaHoo!! Keep it Up! Best Wishes- Dx


on 10/7/07 11:58 pm - Spokane, WA
I've been a fan of natural, organic, local, etc. food for years, but am now reading The Omnivore's DilemmaI and it is making me even more aware of how wacky our food supply is nowadays.   Sally
ladybugmom C.
on 10/7/07 11:37 pm - Roanoke Rapids, NC
Thanks for the post. I eat whatever I want, but I try to make good healthy food choices. I did not have WLS to starve myself, but enjoy a healthier way of eating and smaller portions. I eat meat, veggies, and even desserts. I can handle alittle sugar and fried foods ****assionally). If I want it.... I have it!!!  WLS is what you make it. I make it a way of life and I eat normal. I did not eat normal before WLS. I ate like a PIG. Now I eat normal (sensible). I do not drink protein shakes, but I do get in ALL my protein through foods. Sounds like we are both enjoying our new life. Thanks Hugs, Wanda

SURGERY DATE: MAY 16, 2006.... 238 LBS (TWO YEARS POST OP!!!!!)
CURRENT WEIGH: 112 LBS (BELOW GOAL and trying to gain)
TOTAL LOSS: 126 LBS         

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