Dr.Pooped&Bathed in my room!!!!
Unbelievable, but I do believe you. The hospital always has a lounge and often a sleeping room for drs. I'll bet infection control had fits, if they knew about it. I hope it got to them.
I have seen some pretty sloppy and uncuth drs. They usually move form hospital to hospital a lot. too bad they don't police themselves better, so the next place is aware of what they are doing.
We had a dr here for a while that was a total slob. His wife was also. They lived in a utter pigsty. (it's hard to hid in small towns) She had twins while they were here and was so dirty when she came in it was unreal. We all felt bad for the kids. He only lasted here about 9 months. who knows where he is now. I'm glad you can laugh at it. And he should be reported everywhere he can be reported.
I'm gald he wasn't your surgeon. At least he wasn't cutting on you. Makes you wonder where he takes his naps. Diana
Here in Massachusetts we had a surgeon who started a patient's surgery, left the individual on the table, decided he desperately needed to go to the ATM machine in the center of town, returned about 30 minutes later and finished the surgery.
The nurses were appalled and reported him. It was all over the papers for quite a while. I know he was cited and possibly suspended. I don't know whether he was eventually allowed to continue practicing.
FYI, this was not a bariatric surgeon! I think he was orthopedic. The patient was fine, but can you imagine?
Ho boy! What a trip! Now, I would not have minded my cute intern who came to check on me after surgery taking a shower in my room - HA! ONLY KIDDING! My cousin is a nurse who works at the UTMB there is Houston. I have GOT to tell her about that! "Miss Clean" will just flip! Glad you can laugh at the experience, even though it is just surreal!
I know this is serious and it was a really "****ty" thing to do but I am laughing so hard it is hard for me to type. I can just picture it, you are recovering and you see the Dr. come out of the bathroom. Then you see the toilet. I think I would have found him myself and stuck his head in and gave him a swirlie!