What's the deal with bread???

Felix P.
on 6/26/07 8:11 am - French Settlement, LA
RNY on 02/03/09 with
Why is bread a no no?? I understand that white bread has sugars in it and I guess so does wheat. I still don't get it. For those with a tiny stomachs it might be a problem so protein first right?? I don't have that issue.  This is what I buy. http://www.naturesownbread.com/Global/NutritionLabels/155028 _20_20-WheatnFiber.pdf Please enlighten me. I want to make good choices.

Shelley Belly
on 6/26/07 8:12 am - Southwest Cleveland Suburb, OH
I'm afraid to try bread but from what my nutritionist said, it is too doughy and will cause pain and/or a blockage.  I do eat well done toast and I don't have a problem. Shelley
on 6/26/07 8:18 am - Glendora, CA
Bread is evil -made by the devil himself, I think that's why it tastes so darn good!   My little pouch still won't tolerate it at almost 11 months out. It doesn't have the nutritional values that you need and protein first should always be the rule to follow. I've been told that if bread is eaten it should always be eaten last. Otherwise it sits like a ball of dough and fills up your pouch, leaving no room for the good stuff.
I know I can, I know I can
on 6/26/07 8:20 am - Colorado Springs, CO
It seems that once again, the difference in docs and nuts comes out.....I have never been told no bread, what I have been told is to wait about 3 months, and then chose whole grain breads....I can even have 1/4 of a slice on the list from the docs office.  So I guess if you can tolerate it, and you are not over doing it then go for it.  Gayle
Amy B.
on 6/26/07 8:45 am - Deerfield, IL
It isn't the sugar that is the problem - though the problem with sugar is the SAME as the problem with bread.  Breads are a simple carbohydrate and simple carbohydrates are problematic for a couple of reasons.  First, they break down the fastest (when compared to fats and protien) so they cause a rapid rise in blood sugar which triggers a rapid rise in insulin - which leaves you with a blood sugar crash - which translates into you feeling hungrier sooner.  Basically that makes them empty calories so bread is a poor nutritional choice unless it is eaten in moderation with plenty of protien and fats. Wheat bread is better because it is a more complex carbohydrate so it breaks down slower and has essential things in it like fiber that helps keep your bowels healthy.  But again, it is only good in moderation in conjunction with plenty of protien. Bread is also less dense than things like meats and raw veggies so you'll be able to eat more of it per sitting (if you put a pound of bread in a blender and a pound of steak in another and blend them up for 30 seconds you are going to end up with more volume of steak than bread because the bread squishes down smaller as the air is worked out of it  - that means when you chew up bread you are going to be able to fit more of it in your pouch than steak or other protiens) and that is working against your tool, which is designed to make you feel full on less.  The problem is the same for other things that are less dense (like crackers, ice cream, soups, protien shakes, and cereals) and so they move right through your pouch leaving you hungrier sooner and able to eat more per sitting.   And like you said - it is hard enough for people with little pouches to get enough protien in a day without filling it with breads. I have trouble with "raw" bread (meaning untoasted bread) because it gums up and gets stuck in my pouch until I burp it back up (not fun).  There is a chemical change when you toast bread (think of it this way - you have 2 glasses of water and 2 slices of bread - one toasted, one raw.  You put both pieces of bread in separate water glasses - which one breaks down faster?) that makes it not gum up so it moves through easier.   If you are going to eat bread (and I do on occasion as long as it is toasted) then the bread you put the link up for looks like a good choice - but remember what I told you about how it breaks down and causes a rise in blood sugar followed by a crash and how you are able to eat more per sitting because it is less dense - if you want to feel full and stay full on less food eat dense protiens with your bread. Hope this clears things up

   Amy 293/140 - AT GOAL!   

on 6/26/07 9:05 am - CA
WOW awesome info!! thanks so much I was wondering why no bread too, I have been eating about 1 piece a day with no problems, but I am not getting my protien, and Im feeling sluggish too... I am thinking it is the bread.. NO MORE for me!! gotta go buy some turkey jerky soon.. 
Felix P.
on 6/26/07 9:06 am - French Settlement, LA
RNY on 02/03/09 with
Wow Amy, you've done your homework.  Thanks for all the great information. Felix

Amy B.
on 6/26/07 9:16 am - Deerfield, IL
Glad I could help.  I was diabetic pre-op and now am hypoglycemic (meaning my blood sugar crashes easily if I am not careful about my diet) so I know all about carbohydrates and how our bodies process food.  Oh, and I had an excellent nutritionist who helped me learn this stuff.  I am happy to be able to share what I know.

   Amy 293/140 - AT GOAL!   

on 6/26/07 10:23 am - Sacramento, CA
Amy, GREAT INFO!!  You're awesome!


on 6/26/07 9:08 am - AK
I would like to see the ingredient part of the label, but without that looking at the nutrition label it looks like a bread I would eat.  It has a good amount of protein and fiber for the amt. of calories.  Just don't over do it.
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