OT - being silly here...but Who do you find Sexy?

sandra J.
on 6/17/07 7:40 am, edited 6/17/07 7:43 am - Alton, IL
Johnny Depp is a great actor in anything but I just adore Captian Jack Sparrow  with his bad boy self.  I like Richard Grear since he turned gray.  But I love my honey of 40 years. PS  Oh yeah and the blue collar cable guy cause he gets er done.

Sandi J.
























(deactivated member)
on 6/17/07 8:20 am - TBD, Guam
Yes.... I agree...... Richard Gere is def. one who has aged very well.   But you know what... It certainly ****** me off that I am not aging as well......  Ok..... its not really upsetting me.... but I do think about it sometimes..... .lol.       which brings to mind a question.......   Is he (Richard Gere) into men or women?  (not that there is anything wrong with that - either way!!)   (Jerry seinfeld penned that expression!!) lol     Just curious.....    lolololol xo
on 6/17/07 7:50 am - Akron, OH
Sean Connery
Angelina Jolie

Hey! I'm an equal opportunity fantasizer, ok?



(deactivated member)
on 6/17/07 8:25 am - TBD, Guam
Well.......  They certainly are quite different......    Now if you had said.... Angelina And Brad.... that would have been a little more understandable.....  but these two..... hmmmm.  I find it very interesting and very intriguing.     Wow...... good for you!       I think that fantasy is very healthy and also I think that sometimes we should fulfill our fantasies........          or ....... just use them to 'get our grooves on.....         Life is short and I love your honesty!!      hugs! J.
Debbie R.
on 6/17/07 7:58 am - Las Cruces, NM

Toby Keith is definately DOable!! I'd love to have a couple hours alone with him!! 

Darlene H.
on 6/17/07 2:10 pm - Pinson, TN
OOOHHH, I forgot Trace Adkins, now that is one tree I would love to climb. Darlene
Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 6/17/07 8:00 am - Houston area, TX

Okay....I will play since I haven't seen my picks on here anywhere....

TOP of my list....unequivocally.....ANTHONY LAPAGLIA (from Without a Trace).  I even get all excited hearing his voice in Happy Feet when my kids watch it.  He absolutely makes me drool.  I like men at least 10 years my senior - always have.

COLIN FIRTH (Bridget Jones Diary movies and a slew of other movies..).....YUMMY!!!

VINCE VAUGHAN - funny IS sexy to me.

VINCENT D'ONFORIO (Law and Order - Criminal Intent) - I have always thought he was attractive...


299 start/235 current/180 doc goal/165 my goal

(deactivated member)
on 6/17/07 8:07 am - TBD, Guam
Hi Carey..... "Funny" is just about the sexiest thing there is.......  I mean....seriously... you have to be healthy and care about yourself and your appearance.... yes...... but being "funny" is about many things  like security and also intelligence and timing is key!!!!      My ex was the funniest guy I have ever known..... what I wouldnt do to have him back in my life.......  gosh, I miss him!!!      But, life goes on.....and I am trying to make a fresh start.     :) I like your list!    Its just great! hugs! J.
on 6/17/07 8:16 am - Wheatland, OK
Mark Harmon Sean Connery The Rock Dreams Dreams what I could dream up of would certainly be....  I'll just leave it at that... pattye
on 6/17/07 8:29 am - Lakewood, CA
RNY on 07/31/07 with
I want to play....  I definitely like the Latin thang, Antonio Bandaras.  He is so hot.  And his voice, ooohhhhhh, just toooooooooo sexy.  I've always liked Denzel Washington.  MMMMMMM MMMMMMM. Darn it, I can't remember his name right now.   Okay I'll have to come back.
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