some peoples children

on 6/17/07 10:21 am - Wylie, TX
To think kids like that are our future, thier parents need to get thier heads out of the sand and take charge of how their children act. I'm sorry you had to put up with such rude kids and rotten parents.

Philosophy of life "Treat others like you wish to be Treated" 
              Only you can make yourself happy!!!

on 6/17/07 10:40 am - Humboldt, TN
 I have an idea......we "big" girls...should keep a big roll of masking tape in out purses...and when ignorant mothers of untrained children.....are rude to us we should tape their mouths shut!!!! Don't  blow a gasket!!!!!.........I would never ever touch someone elses  ill mannered kid......BUT I might just explain to that stupid mother of the ill mannered she should get educated on  Obesity ...and the causes.....NO ONE  intentionally  goes out and purposely gets morbidly obese..... or maybe hand her a pamplet  on obesity..........or say I am going to teach your children some manners!!............ OH that just makes me so mad.........I am sorry they hurt your feelings.................Leticia

Work like you don't need the money......

Chris C.
on 6/17/07 10:42 am - Hastings, NE
Hello-- I remember years of pain and hurtful comments from kids and adults. Being obese has been so painful for me. I am afraid of going places because people are rude and I do not want to be hurt . I think that being hurt in this way makes us more prone to over eat, it did me. Food comforted me when the bullys hurt me. I am sorry about what happened to you, and believe my I do understand. I do not think my 3 children will ever make fun of other people as much as we have talked about this. It hurts them too when they see there mom in pain Blessings to you---------- Chris
on 6/17/07 11:17 am - Carteret, NJ
I had some kid in the park the other day ask me if I was pregnant. I have lost 67 pounds and am damn proud of it! This kid was maybe 5 and there was no adult in sight! BRAT was my first thought! I said no but thank you for asking and walked away!
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