some peoples children

on 6/17/07 7:48 am - Wyoming, MI
So I am at the mall today and I am at payless and I have my 2 year old with me and some chick with 2kids comes in the aisle I am in and the little boy goes "mom she just called her fat" and he points to me, (his sister called me fat!) and the mom goes who did she call fat? and he points at me again and the mom looks at me and says absolutely nothing and keeps shoe shopping! WHat a *****! I would of told my kid to not say such hurtful things! and I just wanted to say ***** I just lost 54pnds and there is much more to come!  SOME PEOPLES CHILDREN!  Okay I am done venting, but that was hurtful! Jamie
LiSa K.
on 6/17/07 7:52 am - TX
CONGRATS on the weight loss! I too have had that happend.So sorry you had to go threw that. I would have siad,"I may be fat but your ugly and I can lose weight!"
Jennifer Z.
on 6/17/07 7:57 am, edited 6/17/07 7:58 am - Haslet, TX
Jamie -  I sooo agree -- I am sorry this happened -- I have come to the conclusion that  most people are oblivious to EVERYTHING!   The good news is you ARE losing weight - and she and her children will continue to be RUDE and socially unacceptable... KARMA will come back to them! Just smile and walk on!  Class is something they don't sell at Payless!  :)  Congrats on the great loss so far!

I Chick
on 6/17/07 8:00 am
It's all in how the child is raised. I have a TWENTY year old son and he would never dream of saying anything hurtful to anyone...i'd kick his a$$ if he did..he knows better...and he is a wonderful, kind compassionate young man :) I know it stinks..but just look at the source! *hugs* I Chick
Building A Cocoon
on 6/17/07 8:06 am, edited 6/17/07 8:07 am - South Central PA, PA
That sort of ignorance should be taken as what it was. Small minded people who judge immediately on sight. The parents obviously have taught their kids how to be as shallow and rude as they are. So **** 'em.

Yep! You are on your way, already down 57 pounds and much more to go. You'll pass her sad little self somewhere one day and she won't exist in your world and her two brats will be running her ragged.  Perhaps she'll put on a few and her sweet little girl will say "Mommy you're getting fat" and she can reap what she sowed.

Good things come to those who wait! Congratulations on your accomplishments and I wish you many more!

on 6/17/07 8:07 am - Muskogee, OK
OMG yes peoples kids can be cruel! I have had more of a problem with adults being cruel.  The thing about kids is most of them are young and just don't know any better. You should be 425lbs and see how people are towards ya. I have wanted to go up and rub my belly on them and then say something smart ass like "well you were staring so damn hard I thought you wanted some of it!"  But I am a good girl and I just make eye contact smile and go on. It would do no good to say anything they would just think she is fat and crazy. The weird thing is I have even had obese people be cruel.
"I haven't failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that don't work" ~Thomas Edison

on 6/17/07 8:30 am - Greenwood, LA
First, congrats on your weight loss..... Second, consider the source, most kids do as they are taught.  Obviously these kids have been raised rudely...sometimes little ones say things without meaning to be hurtful, but the adult should deal with it right then and explain to the child that it is wrong.  I don't think any adult would have a problem with a child saying something if the parent corrected the child.  I know if one of my kids had said something when they were little I would have explained that it was wrong to say things like that and I would have told them they should say they were sorry for being rude.   I would have said something to the mother about teaching her kids better manners. 

~~Jodi~~ Actually below goal with 100lbs loss  

 preop day before surgery                 


Amy B.
on 6/17/07 8:49 am - Deerfield, IL
I'm sorry you were hurt - I probably would be at first too - but don't dwell on it.  You are down 54 pounds!  Now that is something to dwell on.  Congratulations on the loss!

   Amy 293/140 - AT GOAL!   

rebeka C.
on 6/17/07 8:54 am - SC
Forget the kids, it's the mom who is raising them to be like that!  Or NOT raising, I guess I should say.  On the other hand, maybe the woman was too embarrassed to say something?
susan in sugar land
on 6/17/07 9:42 am - SUGAR LAND, TX
Dear Jamie, First of all congratulations on your weight's fantastic!  You must be very proud of yourself.  I think that what you went through is just a small piece of what is happening everywhere.  People are getting less tolerant, less kind, less polite and in general are not using any of the manners that were taught to them.  I'm 49 and still say "Yes Maam, No Maam" when speaking to the elderly.  I have raised my children to be polite and to say please and thank you.  It's getting to the point that kids are not taught respect for anyone.  Look at our schools, kids are talking back to teachers, beating them, etc. I'm sorry that you had to have this happen to you but maybe you can use it to teach your child about how much unkind words hurt people.  At two your child may not understand but talk about it anyway.  Tell him/her how bad you felt or use it as an example for any other young person in your life. Shame on parents who have no manners or allow their children to be down right rude. Hugs to you,
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