Posting on other message boards

on 6/17/07 4:55 am, edited 6/17/07 4:56 am - Buckley, WA
The Susan Maria site that Barry posted , is good . It is a positive site , with lots of info . I do go there sometimes , and there are people here who post there . I think it is healthy to peruse other areas . As long as the site is friendly & imformative , which Susan Maria's site is . I have trouble navigating the Yahoo sites . I think it's the way they are formatted . But when I have checked them , they were also positive & friendly . {{{Hug}}} Kathy


on 6/17/07 5:03 am
Dear Shadow, please don't let all the politics surrounding your question scare you.  When you have been here long enough you will understand why it happens.  You asked a perfectly legitimate question and deserve legitmate answers.  Unfortunately, the ones who bash those of us who do belong to other websites suffer from tunnelvision and can't see the good any thing that they don't like or that does't fit into their way of thinking. There are plenty of other websites to get information and connect with other people.  You should feel free to visit and post there as well.  I am sure the founder of this website never intended for it to be the only one we are allowed to be a member of.  To limit yourself to just OH would be a disservice to yourself.  This is America and we are allowed a few freedoms. When I read the news on line I visit CNN, Fox, and MSN.  Am I disloyal or is there a conflict of interest?  NO!  I am gathering all the information I want from places I prefer.  It's kinda like shopping for clothes at different stores. You are looking for information and knowledge and should search far and wide for every scrap of it. Best of luck to you!
Cynthia ..
on 6/17/07 5:50 am, edited 6/17/07 5:52 am - MI
Like Judi & Patty and others have stated, knowledge is power. There is much to learn and be informed about when trying to decide if wls is for you, and then after having wls, still more to learn. Like life in general, the learning process, is a lifelong process.  To limit yourself to just one source is not a good thing. No one source can provide ALL of the answers, there is much knowledge out there and many other people with valuable information to offer that don't participate on this board, for whatever reason. In answer to your question: Here are a few, all of these websites below end in  .com , unless stated differently...... sheknows healthyweightforum DOT org renewedreflections quixoticwls wlsforum DOT org wlsinfo DOT org 3fatchicks or-live  thinnertimes Hope these help you in your quest for knowledge. ETA another site
I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on T.V.
The views expressed in my posts are just that; MINE!
Please, remember that before grabbing the flame thrower.
"Take what you want, and leave the rest"
~Sylvia Browne~
And now, back to our regularly scheduled program.



I Chick
on 6/17/07 9:16 am
As someone who was here for years prior to being "run off" by the so called popular crowd a few years all I can say is... Care about your friends..nnot the politics... MY frieds were always my friends..the ones who didnt like me were morons plain and simple..and jealous and seriously has nothing better to do... Now, I dont get involved in board politics..I simply dont care enough about the board as a whole to get involved in the politics..some things will never change..women are women and there will always be jealous and catty-ness...period...the men dont do this..the women do. I just like who I to who I like to talk to and dismiss the really is simple lol I Chick
(deactivated member)
on 6/17/07 2:12 pm - XX
I just like who I to who I like to talk to and dismiss the really is simple lol And for me at least, some days I want to talk to one person and some days I want to talk to another person. I sure as heck don't play grade school games ("We can't be friends because you're still friends with Suzie!") in real life and I'm not gonna do it here either. I can be friends with more than one person or group of people, all at the same time. That's why I like to have options.
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