what do i put on the medicalert bracelet

Gi G.
on 6/13/07 7:39 am

{GASP!} Are you telling me that I didn't need to rush out and get 'MUST CARRY WATER' tattooed to my forehead.  Doh!

Permanent weight loss requires permanent change.

Cher B.
on 6/13/07 10:04 am - MA
Love it...I am going to order the necklace, anklet and 2 bracelet ensemble.  What I really need is a Medic Alert cup for my iced coffee.  What part of (Decaf) No Sugar is so hard to understand??? 
Jeanne N.
on 6/13/07 6:06 am - Phillips, WI
Mine reads:
Gastric Bypass
No NG Tube W/O Scope
No Nsaids/Sugars
Dehydration Risk

I'm pre-op and got one off of ebay.
314 Highest / 145 an maintianing for 2 years
Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. - Teddy Roosevelt
Jeanne N.
on 6/13/07 6:14 am - Phillips, WI
Here's a link with some good points as to why you SHOULD have a Med ID Bracelet after surgery. http://store.bariatriceating.com/october20051.html
314 Highest / 145 an maintianing for 2 years
Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. - Teddy Roosevelt
on 6/13/07 6:30 am, edited 6/13/07 6:30 am - Realityville, Not SunshineLand, TN
i could not disagree with the author more, especially  on this point: Many people use laughter and ridicule to disarm a situation where they know that they are not necessarily doing the right thing. They laugh through the bad behavior as it makes them feel better. If they can find others who defy the rules, the more the merrier.  tek's essay is just one of many dissenting voices on the topic of these bracelets--and some are definitely taking a laughing tone, but that's because they see the ridiculousness of the bracelets for what it is, not because they somehow feel they should be wearing one. when is the last time that NSAIDs were on the top of a 'must-give-to-unconsious-person' list? and, no matter how much people like to claim differently, taking a few doses of advil or ibuprofen is NOT going to kill you. or cause permanent, life-threatening injury. at least not just because you had rny. several folks, myself included, have been told to take NSAIDs by their surgeons. it's not poison. and if your emt pushes a tube down your stomach, through the re-route, hard enough to rupture something, then chances are, he or she probably didn't bother to look for a bracelet in the first place due to incompetence. and if your bracelet has a jewled band, a watch thing or a bunch of charms on it, chances are it's going to be overlooked anyway. personally, if i'm in a situation where i have to be tubed in order to save my life, i don't want emt's or anyone else panicking about whether or not they should take such steps because i've had rny. but that's just me. and i'll laugh along with the essays or comments in direct opposition to susan maria's ridiculous theory because i find them amusing, nothing more.  if it makes folks feel better to wear a bracelet, more power to them. no skin off my nose, but i hope that pre-ops and others realize that the bracelets are FAR from a required item and perhaps an essay or two will make them realize the ridiculousness of the whole idea.
302/153/145  Down 149 pounds
Lap RNY: 9/28/06

Gi G.
on 6/13/07 8:36 am, edited 6/13/07 8:42 am

Check out this link:

http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/amos/action,replies/board_ id,4856/cat_id,4456/topic_id,3226947/a,messageboard/

ETA I can't get the link to work, but here is the post from Web Medic [it's also on her profile]:

"Post Date: 2/23/07 9:40 pm
I try not to reply every time this subject comes up but I can't help it!! I need therapy, sorry .... LOL

sol_history.jpgMEDICAL ID JEWELRY AS VIEW BY THE EMS WORLD: If you're going to get it, make it do it's job!

If I could share something with you, prior to ordering any ID jewelry or cards, please think about what might be important info and what isn't.

As a Paramedic speaking from experience in the emergency field, I would like to say something about the medical ID's.......I always have something to say about these items.

Jewelry that looks like a
medical emblem or tag will be found the quickest by emergency persons, wallet cards might be found later, we don't usually start digging through purses & wallets when we get to an ill or injured person!

EMS persons do surveys on your body. We minimally & discretely undress people when needed, we look for scars, bruises, marks, all kinds of things. We are medical detectives, we take your blood for sampling, test your oxygen levels and test your heart when we can.
We USUALLY know more about you than you know about yourself by the time we're done with you!!

The information that will be the most important to saving your life will be:


Obviously, everything can't be put onto your jewelry so you might want to put the most important info there and keep everything else in your purse or wallet. You can refer to your wallet card on the jewelry.

IMPORTANT !!! >>>>> Always tell your family or friends the above information about yourself incase you can't talk and they are called upon. Make sure they know your doctors info as well as your medical info. 

Ok, you might get upset here but, these are things that ARE NOT needed on your jewelry:

Blind NG tubes - Nasogastric (NG) tubes are placed blindly. In most places, there isn't another way to do this procedure outside of the hospital and if you need it, it will be done but ONLY IN AN EMERGENCY. It is a tube that is measured on the outside of your body and inserted into your nose, down to your stomach. It won't be forced in, if resistance is met, they stop and aspirate for content. They are usually used by EMS for stomach pumping to get out toxins. In the hospital, you can tell them about your surgery or they will have asked your history and take precautions. IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON A NG TUBE, YOUR LIFE COMES FIRST.

Blind Intubations (ETT)
 - First off, you are probably unconscious if the Paramedics are entubating you. The tracheal entubations are usually done with a scope unless there is a reason that your vocal cords can not be seen and than it is blindly inserted but will be checked to make sure it isn't in your esophagus prior to inflation. If an ETT has to be inserted blindly, you really need it bad and you aren't conscious anyway! IT WILL BE YOUR AIRWAY, YOU CAN'T STOP US unless you have a DNR ... WITH YOU!!

Well, I feel better, thank you. (This info is also on my OH blog)"

Permanent weight loss requires permanent change.

Amy Williams
on 6/13/07 6:20 am
I got mine from Laurenshope.com

However, if you are getting something you want to be noticed I would stick with something that is not in a form of jewelry. You want something that will be noticed in case of an emergency. I've only got that I had the Bypass and Lymphedema.

  I've lost over 400 pounds!  
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I Chick
on 6/13/07 8:46 am
Ok, 7 years out here and i've never used a bracelet. I was in a car accident a couple of days ago and have somoe broken ribs..my WLS didn't even come up as they asked about any life threatening conditions. I'm not getting the "No sugars" thing..maybe I can be enlightened. IV that has sugar in it maybe..well that would be fine..it wont make you dump. I dont see any EMT's or hospital staff trying to force feed someone a piece of cake or an ice cream cone.. Of course if it makes you feel better, then by all means..but I just dont how sugar would come into play. "Must Carrry Water" is that for real? people actually have that on a bracelet? Well next time I go out to dinner i'm getting me a bracelet that says "Must carry wine" cause lord knows bringing my own would be much cheaper! 
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