Where does the money come from to EAT!!!!!????

B Girl
on 6/13/07 1:12 am
I don't think the original post was picking anyone apart.  We've all been MO here and know how difficult the struggle can be.  It was just a simple question of how people afford to not work and support their habits.  Hell, I think that all the time when I see people not working but still driving a car.  Where do they get the money?  In the case of a MO person unable to work they may qualify for disability. 
I Chick
on 6/13/07 1:22 am
I didnt say it was this thread :) I mentioned how the picking apart has happened in threads relating to these types of shows :) I Chick
just stacey
on 6/13/07 1:22 am - north hollwood, CA
Hi B Girl Thank You for your post....And ya it was a simple question...lol...funny how we can take something simple and run with it....If I wanted to start a little trouble I could be curious AGAIN and ask "why do people take something simple and BLOW it out of proportion"!!!Im really just kidding PLEEEEEZ no one write me anything nasty...it is still too early in the day I will only say this ...I was referring to people that are so obese that they sadly cant move (bedridden) and lets face it... it can not be affordible to consume 17,000 calories a day....I was just wondering how one pays for that especially when one cant work Stacey
I Chick
on 6/13/07 1:25 am
Hey..I dont have a problem running with things..especially when its something i'm passionate about! ;) It's good exercise! Plus, I dont let people aggravate me..it's just the internet..I say speak your miind..good debate is good for all of us *grin* I chick
just stacey
on 6/13/07 1:29 am - north hollwood, CA
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/07 3:30 am - Down on the Farm, Canada
Totally agree, there Chicky, just don't be running with anything pointy in your hand. I think this is a great thread.
I Chick
on 6/13/07 3:37 am
LOL...I ran with scissors once..my mom whacked me but good and I never did it again heh We're reminiscing about the 70's..gonna join in? it's happy talk! lol
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/07 3:45 am - Down on the Farm, Canada
Oh there were many times I got a good whack. You won't believe what I did to my kids when they were little. One thing I can't stand and I find it is fault with the parent to a certain degree, not a lot but to some degree... is when I see kids picking there nose and what they do with that after. I told myself if I had ever had kids mine wouldn't do that. So the first time I seen them pick there nose, I physically took there finger and bit it. Needless to say I never had to worry about my kids having there finger up there nose. They would always ask for a kleenex and knew that toilet tissue could be used for their nose too, in case I wasn't around. Now that is reminiscing.
I Chick
on 6/13/07 4:07 am
LOL my son nose picked briefly.. but I fixed that right quick! I was in the mall the other day and I saw a what had to be a 5 year old with a binky (pacifier) I was shocked! lol
on 6/13/07 1:20 am, edited 6/13/07 1:21 am - Elkhart, IN

Stacey.. I'm new here and I admit that I don't know you very well.  I know you probably meant well... but your question/ comments might be hurtful to some of the people here that have not had surgery yet, or for those who are just gathering information to find out whether this is something they want to do.  

I'm not trying to bash you or anything, I am trying to be sympathetic to the feelings of other people and I feel to ask how they could afford to eat like that is being a bit insensitive.  ~~jackie



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