Where does the money come from to EAT!!!!!????

susan in sugar land
on 6/13/07 12:51 am - SUGAR LAND, TX
Good point...another thing that I've wondered about.  I've seen several shows about morbidly obese people (bed/couch bound) literally unable to move to take care of themselves and I always wonder WHY do their caretakers keep bringing them all the junk food that they are consuming.  If someone says no (say a mother, wife, husband) what is the MO person going to do?  Fire them?  I certainly don't mean to belittle anyone who's been or is in this position, it's just that I've never understood how someone can bring another person (who is already MO) 3-4 pizzas in one day and to keep bringing the unhealthy food. My guess is it's called enabling and that's another can of worms.
on 6/13/07 3:46 am - Brookline, MA
Uh, yeah, it's enabling.  Addiction is a cunning and baffling disease. 
I Chick
on 6/13/07 12:57 am
I remember when he went to CA to do the Sweating to the Oldies video..he was sooo excited. He was a deacon our local parish..and reached out and touched and helped so many people. Sometimes, things are just bigger than us...it's not black and white..sometimes there are just so many things that contribute to this problem... His wife Madeline is amazing..despite cooking for him..she kept the family afloat..devoted herself to him and is still married to him..I dont know many people who could do or have been able to do that..even if someone wasnt MO and had some other issue. I'm not gonna argue or be pulled into a debate..i've said my peace and I think that we could all learn something from someone..despite their food, drugs or alcohol issues. They're good people :) I Chick
I Chick
on 6/13/07 1:00 am
One more thing and im done. People wonder how people can bring these people food..how many of us had people pick us up crap from the grocery store..or a pizza..or mcdonalds..or maybe we wanted a whopper and asked someone to get something on the way home. How is that any different? our families who shopped for us..or who brought us an extra value meal knew we were MO and had a food addiction problem..so we've all been enabled to an extent..and some people still are. I Chick
on 6/13/07 1:19 am - Albany, NY
I Chick,   Regardless of the weight regain Michael is an inspiration by his shear determination to keep battling. I was kind of taken aback by the attitude towards weightloss surgery by  the Doc in charge of Brookhaven.  He seemed to think it wasn't a valid healthy choice.  Do you think that is a misinterpretation on my part?  I understand that Super (Duper) MO people have a lot of issues that must be addressed before surgery. Carla
Kimberly E.
on 6/13/07 1:24 am - Brighton, NY
Absolutely agreed about the attitude of the administrator:   But just for clarification - (as a doc I feel obliged to point this out) That man is not a doctor, he's the administrator of the facility.   I think that's half the problem... he doesn't seem to really understand the surgery. :) Best, Kim

I Chick
on 6/13/07 1:31 am
Carla, What I admire about Michael is that for the 19 years i've known him..the fact that he is STILL trying to get healthy is amazing. People have given up for way less...despite people mockiing him in the media, tabloids and well message boards the man doesnt let it get to him..he has a will to live..but as I said earlier, sometimes things are just bigger than us...I think that we can all relate to at least one thing that has been very tough to deal with..emotionally or physically. I agree about the admins attitude..but then I wonder if he refers or encourages his patients to have WLS does he then lose revenue..because if you notice, some people have been there ofr years..they're getting paid somehow... So me thinks that if people have WLS and regain their health and quality of life, then they don't need the good doctor or Brookhaven any longer. I chick
on 6/13/07 3:48 am - Brookline, MA
I can't tell you HOW LOUDLY I yelled at the TV when the Brookhaven administrator (is he even an MD?  I'm not sure) was talking about WLS and how it's not a valid choice.  And then the narrator referred to it as the "easy way out."  I was so pissed that I almost wrote a letter to TLC complaining about it.
on 6/13/07 1:08 am - AL
Oh wow. I have ALL of the Sweatin To the Oldies! I completely forgot about them. That is one kind of exercise I absolutely loved to do. Thanks for the reminder, I will dig them out again. I think Michael has a loving and supportive family. He has a good attitude and a good heart and wheter he knows it or not, he still inspires thousands! I wont ever forget him.
Kimberly E.
on 6/13/07 1:22 am - Brighton, NY

Haha, I have that sweating video, it's my favorite to date.  I use it almost every morning.


Micheal is back on TV in a show about the Brookhaven Rehab Ctr.  Richard actually asked his wife some of those tough questions when he met with him and it really upset Michael, though I'm guessing he's bounced back by now...  He was also getting some psychological counseling and getting into some really difficult stuff. Frankly, I have incredible respect for Michael and it's neat to meet a friend of his.  Tell him that some of us on OH are really inspired by him and praying for him all the way. :) Kim

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