Where does the money come from to EAT!!!!!????

Jennifer K.
on 6/13/07 12:45 am - Phoenix , AZ

I see a lot of posts where people say "I cant wait to be post-op and save on groceries"... I spend about 20$ more a week on food now than I did previously!! Eating healthy is definately more expensive! Nightline did a show about the poorest city in NJ and how hard it was for people to eat well... the guy who was raising 4 kids (I think) alone and got food stamps bought only crap - why? Because it was cheap... more for your money and it didnt go bad (like fresh fruits and veggies).

First visit to surgeon - 288 ~ bmi 45.1
2 week pre-op 252 ~ bmi 39.5
Total lost - 153 Since surgery - 117!
Goal weight - 155 (mine) 180 (surgeons)
Current weight - 135 (2020 I lost 10lbs due to dedicating myself to working out more and being in better shape)

Extended TT, lipo, fat injections - 11/2011

BA/BL/Arm Lift - 7/2014

Scar revision on arms - 3/2015

HALO laser on arms/neck 9/2016

Thigh lift 10/2020

just stacey
on 6/13/07 12:47 am - north hollwood, CA
hmmmmmmmmm....I dont think my post was meant to be judging anyone...it was just a curiosity....just like I said about wondering how a person can support a cocaine addiction....just curiosity I agree with you that CRAP is cheaper than healthy food and MOST CRAP tastes alot better than some healthy stuff...thats why it is sooo tempting...but for me I think that knowing that I am now eating to nourish my body and knowing now how much better I actually feel after eating a healthy diet as opposed to 2 boxes of krispy creme donuts (yep I have done that one) maybe helps me to enjoy the flavor more of food stacey
I Chick
on 6/13/07 12:50 am
Stacy, I wasnt referring to you :) Just making a general statement based on what i've read since these shows came out :) I think that it's wonderful that we eat better..at least we have managed to put in place a tool that helps us to do that and we've managed to get ahold of ourselves and food issues. My reply was based on weeks of comments based on shows that portray these people and the gossipy/fodder that comes with it :) Congrats..I rememeber when you were newly postop..you've done amazing! I Chick
just stacey
on 6/13/07 12:58 am - north hollwood, CA
Thanks for your answer and Geeeeeeez you must have a really good memory if you can remember back to me being post-op...for me it seems like a life time ago... Take Care Stacey
I Chick
on 6/13/07 1:02 am
LOL...trust me, I know! I hit my 7th year postop this past Monday. That should tell you know long i've hung around this joint ;) lolol I Chick
just stacey
on 6/13/07 1:13 am - north hollwood, CA
CONGRATULATIONS.....7 years....AMAZING!!!! You look great and you are a great example Stacey
on 6/13/07 12:48 am - Flushing, MI
you go I chick!!!! Well said!!!.................Dorean
on 6/13/07 12:48 am - AL
I remember Michael from the days of Richard Simmons, when he had his show. I lost 100 pounds,  watching Richard and being inspired by Michael and others! I regained mine back, like many of us do. Ive followed him on Brookhaven as well. I do wish he would reconsider posting here but I can understand his reasons all too well.
on 6/13/07 3:45 am - Brookline, MA
I have been following Michael's story on that show and he does seem like a wonderful person.  I feel nothing but empathy for people who get to that kind of weight.  There but for the grace of God go I...
Zee Starrlite
on 6/15/07 5:18 am

You know Michael Hebranko!!! That is so cool.  God, I was so happy when he lost the weight with Richard Simmons.  Strangely enough I think about him even though I don't know him.  I often pray that he can make it through the obesity and get well.  I did see him on Brookhaven too.  I am sorry, but that place $ucks.  They need to have better treatment for obesity.

Why won't Hebranko have WLS?  I understand that it is not everyone's choice, and not an option for all, but he hasn't considered it?  I just would love to see him well and free.

What are your stats?  Your roots seem to run deep in the etc. arena.  And most important, it looks like you have conquered  your weight/eating disorder(you may not have one) as much as possible. Much Love, Peace, & Harmony, Leila

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