Where does the money come from to EAT!!!!!????

just stacey
on 6/13/07 12:17 am - north hollwood, CA
Hey Gang It has been awhile since I have posted BUT I read your posts almost daily and I am still inspired and motivated after all these years....It is almost time for me to put up some new pictures and update my journal (I do it on my surgery anniversary date 8-29-03) sooo stay tuned for that ANYWAY.......my question is this.......I have ALWAYS wondered how people who are morbidly obese can afford to eat such large quantities of food....what prompted my question was I was watching some show on cable about obesity and these people were like 400/500/600 pounds and not able to work and were like saying that on a daily basis they order in 3 to 4 pizzas and groceries...how do people afford that????? I was just curious if anyone knew.....it just baffles me I need to get busy and get back to work Make it a good day all, and go easy on yourselves.... peace stacey
on 6/13/07 12:31 am
Hey stacey! I know what you mean, I watch those shows on TLC all the time and wonder how they get money.  One guy refinanced his house and used part of the money for food.  Another guy depends on his family (they all work) to chip in to pay for and prepare all the food he eats.  You know, my family would be like.....forget it, you wanna eat then you get a job!   I also wonder why the family allows these bed-ridden people to even HAVE cell phones!? One man who weighed like 700 pounds was ordering out right after his family made him a meal.  Insanity! Shell

just stacey
on 6/13/07 12:36 am - north hollwood, CA
hi Shell!!! Thanks for responding to my post....It is kind of nice to know that I am not the only one who wondered about this....I just get curious sometimes about weird stuff I too cant understand why family would help a 700 pound man to continue to overeat....it is like they are the "DRUG Dealers"it is so sad to me Take care Stacey
on 6/13/07 3:43 am - Brookline, MA
It's called "enabling".  A food addict is no different from a drug addict.  Addiction is a family disease.
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/07 12:42 am

My protein drinks cost $1.25 each.  My Hostess bakery sells Ding Dongs for 99 cents a box.  Furit costs less a candy bar.  The bigger I got the less food I needed to maintain weight.  I have also found that physical injuries and some medications increase people's chances of weight gain. Last night I asked my husband why a family buys junk food for morbidly obese people that could not obtain it or cook it for themselves.  He suggested that they really don't understand.  Where are their doctors and nut.? I also asked him why appetite is so different even after surgery.  He had a lot of big words I didn't understand.  The idea was that people absorb differently before and after surgery.  We produce hormones differently that cause appetite to be different before and after surgery.  Drug companies are doing a lot of research on drugs that influence appetite and absorbsion.  We have to work with what we have and be thankful for what we have got.   take care Linda

Susan S.
on 6/13/07 12:33 am - Roselle, NJ
Interesting question.....my only thought was - pre-op....I didn't really care how much money I spent on food - as the eating was my priority - when I read people complain about how expensive fruits and veges are...or protein shakes etc. I wonder if they ever thought about how much they spent on fast food and cheesecake!    People find a way to pay for whatever their priority is.....for some it's shoes and handbags....for others...it's 3 pizzas a day.....but it's a very interesting question.   I'm also fascinated by the behavior of the people around those MO people who are immobile and can't get their own food - expressing grave concern on one hand about the eating and health effects of being so heavy- while they're picking up the boxes of crispy creams and KFC.....for the said person.    I guess it's denial......Susan
Obesity Help Support Group Leader - The Woman Warrior
286/170/131 (starting/goal/current)
LBL - 10-30-08, brachioplasty/augmentation 2-26-09, medial thigh lift 3-16-09
Plastics - Dr. Joseph Fodero


286/170/140/131 (starting weight/goal/surgeons goal/current)

LBL 10-30-08 - Joseph Fodero
Brachioplasty/Breast Augmentation - 2=24-09


just stacey
on 6/13/07 12:40 am - north hollwood, CA
Susan THANKS for your answer.....You are right....some how some way I guess people FIND a way....I also wonder where people get the money to support a cocaine habit...I never stopped and thought about how much money I spent buying CRAP to eat...I do know now that my husband refers to me as his CHEAP DATE because I can still get by on an appetizer when we go out to eat Make it a GREAT day Stacey
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/07 12:52 am
I just wanted to let you know I like reading your posts.  You have given me great advice and I appreciate it.  I also like your writing style. I have read your web page too.  thanks, linda
just stacey
on 6/13/07 12:55 am - north hollwood, CA
Linda WOW.....Thank You for such a sweet compliment...I appreciate that more than you know Blessings and Peace to you Stacey
I Chick
on 6/13/07 12:39 am
Ever notice how "most" (not ALL..but most) obese people and MO eat crap. Ever notice how much cheaper it is to eat crap than healthy? Ever notice how most crap can taste better than healthy food? I know i've noticed for myself and my own family that buying lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies etc is much more expensive than buying some frozen pizza or even going to Mcdonalds. I dont see how having a cell phone is relevant..being in the throes of a horrid food addiction like that isnt something people decide to do..we didnt all need to have surgery because we could control our eating whenever we wanted to. A good friend of mine is on the Brookhaven show..Michael Hebranko. I've known him since 1988 and we used to go to Atlantic City together and block parties at his home..he'd come to my home . He had a support group called OPIN Obese people in need. We all used to go to the support group in Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn..he is an amazing person..he lost 800 pounds..and regained it..yes it the choices that caused the regain..but its also an addiction..and it's real easy for us to sit here and psychoanalyze why these people do what they do....but noones knows these people on a personal level..you know what..it could've been any one of us..at anytime some of us could've lost control to that extent... I adore Michael Hebranko...and he wont read here..because he knows that sometimes people like him are picked apart like a frog being dissected in 10th grade. I Chick
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