We're going to Irvine!

Quinns ..
on 3/28/07 5:18 am
My husband Mark & I have decided to make it to the Irvine get together. We'll be staying at the Marriott and attending some of the functions but not all. We have friends we'll be meeting up there as well as well as some or Marks associates. Look forward to seeing everyone!! Mariella
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

on 3/28/07 5:37 am - IA
You're going to get lots of pics, right? ~~Sherry
Quinns ..
on 3/28/07 5:41 am
You bet!! I wish you were coming! :( So, who else is going?!
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

(deactivated member)
on 3/28/07 6:24 am - Somewhere Else
And here I thought you'd be visiting little 'ole me I'll be doing a garage sale that weekend, need anything? LOL...W will be in California then though, he goes back to work on the 2nd...then on the 9th they fly him out to CA for 2 weeks! Like I need him gone while we're moving?!?!?! aaahhhhhh!
Jane M.
on 3/28/07 7:27 am - Williamsburg, VA
Have a Great Time Mariella. Takes lots of pics for us!
Jane~~RNY w/Silastic band 9/8/04
328 highest/301 Day Of Surgery/155 goal/137lbs
and below goal and maintaining for 2 years!!!!
BA/BL, Fleur-di-lys TT 11/2006
Buttock/Outer Thigh Lift 2/2007
Medial Thigh Lift/Breast Implant Revision 10/01/2007

on 3/28/07 7:40 am - Charlotte, NC
Howdy stranger, I wish I could go...but you know the deal...funds just won't allow it right now.  Maybe one day...sigh.  Have fun for me...and take lots of pics so I can live the trip through you...lol.  Take care and hugs. Moni
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/07 11:48 am - Hudson, FL
Awww I wish I was there to see you!!!  You have fun and help all those pre-ops out there that need advice!!!!  I am glad to see you online, and wish so terribly that we'd had a cup of coffee at the Hayloft before I moved....hey Mariella,,buy my house on Lewis and rent it out to someone!!!!!
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