Life Expectancy after WLS

on 3/2/07 4:11 am - Pensacola, FL
I am truly not trying to be morbid, I just want some opinions on this? I am scheduled to have WLS March 13th, and I am 49 years old.  I am morbidly obese at 327 lbs and I want to believe that I will have a full life of hopefully 30 or so more years as a healthy thin person, but then I read this and it bothered me. "A recent analysis theorized that a person with a gastric bypass would only gain 3 years of life from it over what they would have lived if they had remained obese and not had surgery.  This means whereas a clinically obese person might live as long as a light smoker (age 70), at best estimates, a person who had a gastric bypass might live to the age of 73. (normal lifespan is considered, 75 years)"  I realize it is quality of life that counts not just quantity, but for some reason this info didn't make me happy.  I know everyone has different outcomes and I guess I am just looking to hear some positive comments on those who have had the procedure done for awhile.  I know many people have said it is worth it, and I am sure it is and I am not planning to back out, I am just hoping that my life expectancy is greater than this website states.  Opinion, please
on 3/2/07 4:17 am
I know how you are having anxiety over this...and may God grant you some peace!!  I went through the same thing...worrying about this and that!  Then one day I woke up and in my signature below it says it all... "IF GOD BRINGS IT TO US, HE WILL SEE US THROUGH IT!!"  There are no guarantees in life (and you already know that)...I firmly believe we have to make the very most of what God has given us and what God brings us to!!  Doors open and Doors close...but if we chose to close all the doors before we take advantage of the things that HE opens for us, we will never know what miracles are in store for us.  Some have a hard time with the wls and others breeze right on through.  As you know, it is all very individual.   I for one and very very thankful to God for bringing me here to this day.  On the most part, I feel better than I have in many, many years, and from what people tell me, I look great too! However, I will tell you that when I look in the mirror I still see the overweight is a hard adjustment!  God Bless you!! Bec
If GOD brings us to it, HE will see us through it!!                
308/185/168 - LAP RNY 4/13/06

on 3/2/07 4:17 am - hialeah, FL
How are they making this comparison? This is ridiculous to me...I would not be able to go by what a stupid website says...No flaming you trust me...I'm on your side. I think there is only ONE person who can decide what your extra life expecency will be. I hope this lady that know a lady who had the surgery 25 years ago...I hope she posts in here so she directs you to the site of her friend ISABELLE I believe her name is.  You keep positive crap like that makes me made. What stat are they useing did you know that 705 of stats are tanted...what BS 3 years.
(deactivated member)
on 3/2/07 4:19 am, edited 3/2/07 4:30 am - MT
If I gain only 3 years, its 3 more years than I would have lived staying the way I was/ and was headed...

At least those last 3 years would leave memories of me LIVING and not DYING!

My 2 cents - What you have in quotes there is just ridiculous...

Felicia =0)
Quinns ..
on 3/2/07 4:26 am
That'd be Sue Widmarks site.. She is notorious for being Anti - WLS....she's been around for years and really is more of a menace than anything.. She should be treated as such also... By giving in to her nonsensical theories you are giving her exactly what she wants.. Best bet? Ignore her...make choices that are right for long as you know you've done your research and homework..thats all that matters... Letting this upset you will only do you harm...always consider the source when it comes to things like this... I'm 6 years out and doing just fine... Google "sue widmark" and you'll come up with all kinds of stuff :)
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

on 3/4/07 6:21 am - Townsend, MA
HA!! Quins, Love your signature line.  Ain't that just the truth.
(deactivated member)
on 3/2/07 4:26 am - Plymouth, MN

Well, I have to throw in my two cents.  This is such a vague statement and nothing more than a theory by their own admission.  In my case I had high BP, high cholesterol, diabetes and was obese.  I no longer have any of these medical conditions and am a normal BMI.  No one is going to convince me that I have only added three years to my life by having gastric bypass.  My mother died at age 62 from complications from all the medical condition I had.  Repeat - that I HAD.  I am no longer on any medications.  I am 43 and healthy.  I can honestly say I believe I have added more than 3 years to my life by having Gastric Bypass Surgery.   I hope to live to be an old lady and certainly believe I will live far past the age of 62 that my mother died at.   My thoughts ont he subject Take care Linda

Melissa N.
on 3/2/07 4:32 am
HIJACK... Linda, I was just wondering how everything is going for you. Haven't been on quite as much as I used too. How is the ulcer? How much snow do you have in your area?
Melissa - Loving my life
(deactivated member)
on 3/4/07 2:19 am - Plymouth, MN
Hi, thanks for asking!    Things are good, the ulcer is better.  Having issues with being thin...go figure!  The fat was my safety shield and that is now gone. Snow is about 18 inches!   You are looking great! HUgs!
on 3/2/07 4:27 am - South of Buffalo, NY

We all have wls for different reasons, but my goal was to be healthy and fit ... Only God knows if having this surgery will enable me to live longer or not.  Heck, I could die from a car accident rather than an obesity-related illness.  Who knows???  

Trust me when I tell you that I feel better now (since losing 120 lbs) than I have felt in probably 10 years ... I may not live longer, but I am living happier and healthier. Hugs, Annette

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