I pledge never to become like this...

on 2/28/07 11:58 pm - Sandy, UT
I am taking the pledge too!   I have done this exact thing you are talking about!  Not necessarily making fun of them but I will say to my hubbs or to myself... "I sure wish that person would look into GB."  I guess I just know how amazing it has made me feel and I now know there isn't a reason to be MO anymore.. not everyone can afford it though or has the means.  I guess I just wish everyone who is obese knows how I feel now that I've lost over 100 lbs.  I want them to be happy too.  And I'm not assuming they are not happy.... I was a very happy fat person.  I'm just a really happy almost thin person now... I hope that made sense. I LOVE YOU DEE!!!!! SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCH!

Starting Weight 330
Current Weight 171
Goal Weight 180

Total loss so far is 159 lbs!


on 3/1/07 12:21 am - cabot, PA
I am still pre-op, but am making the pledge also. I never want to forget where i came from and all the hurt that peoples comments caused........whether intentional or not. maryellen
Rebecca (Becky) A.
on 3/1/07 12:28 am - Tucson, AZ
Count me in.
Example 1   

~~Beckyg~~LBL and Brachioplasty 16 Jul 08

April N
on 3/1/07 12:31 am - Moreno Valley, CA
I have seen those same kind of people. The funny thing is they are at our support groups.. I almost don't even want to go back to them because of that. Its like they think there S%$T don't stink now that they have lost weight. I don't get it... Right before surgery someone was calling me at work to tell me that i was a fat marshmallow. So i know first hand about being made fun of. I will be doing this pledge with you as well.. I think that its important to teach our children this as well, and have since they were very small. Thanks April
on 3/1/07 1:06 am - Portland, OR
I will also take your pledge. I will never become a thin jerk.  Suesan
Shannon L.
on 3/1/07 7:42 am - streator, IL
This is a pledge that I'm taking to heart................I pray that i am not that person that makes fun of others because of their weight or how they dress or whether or not they have a mental disability. I've seen what teasing and hurtful words do to my own kids at school. I PLEDGE THAT I WILL NEVER BE THAT PERSON THAT WILL HURT SOMEONE TO MAKE THEMSELVES FEEL GOOD!

247/237/145 ~ currently @ 180

Angela Woods
on 3/1/07 8:44 am - SHELBYVILLE, KY

I also take this pledge...I will never act that way!!  If I do I will check myself quick!!! Hugs!!


Amy B.
on 3/2/07 6:56 am - Deerfield, IL
Amen, count me in.  I'm an honorary fat girl for life.

   Amy 293/140 - AT GOAL!   

on 3/6/07 1:01 pm, edited 3/6/07 1:13 pm - Charlotte, NC

I made the choice at a very young age to build people up, not tear them down. Sometimes I have to look VERY hard to find something nice to say, but I look.

I remember the old nursery rhyme:

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.  How untrue is that rhyme!!! You can never take back words. They will always be in the mind of the hearer. Would I rather folks remember a compliment or an insult from me? That being said, I will stick up for myself and not be a pushover/doormat. I won't go flinging muck at people, but I will give as good as I get. Back around Christmas, I had some random stranger-man in the mall call me fat. I turned and looked at him and said: "Oh, come ON! With all of the wonderfully descriptive words in the English language, the only thing you are bright enough to come up with is FAT? Well... I hope those little three-letter words get you far in life." Then, I turned around and walked off. People... *sigh* I, too, take that pledge. It's a choice that's easy to live with. Cy

highest/surgery/current/goal              450+/319/148/130

Most Active