Why we should exercise!

Quinns ..
on 2/25/07 5:16 am
I know that so many people hate to exercise. Well i'm here to tell you that, if you want to be successful in the "long term"..exercise is something that you will have to make nice with ;) I know many people who say "But I hate exercise" or "I dont need to exercise because I will lose weight anyways since I had surgery" and well yes..that IS true for the most part..but what about a few years out..when the honeymoon is long gone, and most of us postops are just like regular people and actually have to watch what we eat and exercise to keep the weight off. Early on..learning new habits is a wonderful must have tool..but learning how to find an exercise routine that you can stick with is just AS important. As postops, we need to find a balance..we need to eat healthy and move our bodies so that they become good fat burning machines...not to mention that exercise is good for depression, arthritis, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, it's great for alleviating symptoms of menopause..its makes our bones stronger..and for women..thats a good thing..since so many of us are prone to osteopenia and osteoporosis.. The way I see it is..I did this to be healthy..if we're willing to have our insides rearranged..totally change our eating habits, and some people even say that they would have surgery once a week if need be because of how wonderful it is..yet they wont exercise. I think that as most on here say "just do it"...it's a good philosophy..lord knows there are many things we hate to do..but we do it anyways..and if you find something you enjoy doing..then it isnt as if its a punishment.. There are so many forms of exercise..and when I see people who are in Wheelchairs exercising..or people in their 90's doing water aerobics, or tai chi..I know that there is no excuse for not doing at least something to be healthy :) 1- walking groups ..you can go to a site like http://www.craigslist.com and locate you city..there are so many groups for exercise and activity..i've met some of my running mates that way. 2- your local mall usually has organized walking times for seniors and moms..so you can take those baby strollers and meet up with others to walk around the mall..cool in the summer, warm in the winter :) 3- The YMCA - great programs for the WHOLE family..from swimming to martial arts 4- Dance lessons- swing dancing, ballroom dancing, stripping lessons (yes they have those..and its FUN!) belly dancing....even dancing in your living room is exercise 5-Biking - especially now that it's fall..the leaves changes..cooler temps..the scenery..ideal weather for a bike ride 6- Treadmill - I think many of us have one of those.thing is..they dont work if they're used as a clothes hanger! lol...hope on..watch the news..listen to an audio book, listen to music...start slow..5 minutes a day, then work up to 10 minutes ..etc Those are just some ideas..there is a wealth of information out there..and believe it or not..there IS something for everyone... How about this.. I challenege everyone to start with a 10 minute walk a day. Most of us have 10 minutes where we can walk around the block..around the office. on the treadmill etc.. Just 10 minutes a day for a week..and then the next week..15 minutes..and just increasing in 5 minute increments.. It cant hurt! :) Also..if you go to http://www.fitday.com besides being able to track and log your food intake..there is an activities area..that has everything from distance running, to folding clothes to SEX! If you go there (it's free to sign up) and track everything you do in a day..you'd be amazed at how many calories you are burning.. All you do is scroll through the drop down menu for whatever activity you've done and how long you've done it for..and voila..it's real simple. At the end of the day..you can tally it up..and when you log your food..you can see how many of those actual calories you burned off..and then you can see just how many calories you DID take in :) And also..get out that tape and measure measure measure..just trust me on it..you will be thrilled with those results as well!! So..who is in? If you dont want to..thats ok too..I dont mean to sound rah rah..but remember..I am passionate about exercise the way some people are passionate about their protein... And remember..you WILL get out of this journey what you put into it.. so... Minimal effort = minimal results So do it for you..we ARE worth it..we were worth it enough to have surgery..which means we're worth doing whatever we need to do to get the job done :)
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

Cheryl M.
on 2/25/07 6:51 am - Robbinston, ME
I liked this the first time and I like it now......ever since I read it I've been more motivated and have been exercising more.  Weight bench, treadmill, and Curves.  Been thinking about a personal trainer at the local gym too....thank you for your post!

Remember....when life hands you Lemons, ask for tequila and salt and call me over! 


on 2/25/07 7:59 am

I am still post-op struggling to make it through to the losers bench. I have to say I just love your pep-talk and I think we all need it!!! I am starting on my treadmill again. I dont know why i stop I feel so great after walking on it just for 10 to 15 mins gets my heart rate up and makes me feel like I did something just for me today!! Thanks again for the pep talk and you can rah rah rah all you like with me!!


on 2/25/07 8:00 am

I am sorry that was supposed to say Pre-Op lol ooooops!!

on 2/25/07 10:25 am - Eagan, MN
Hello: I am in! I am slowly learning to reconnect with exercise, and mall walk 5 times a week on my lunch hour with 2 colleagues who hold me accountable. On weekends, I work out on the eliptical. Today, I shoveled snow for 2 hrs straight (it IS MN afterall :), so I got my exercise in a little differently. Due to severe knee injuries and pain, I am going to begin weight training once I have lost another 35-50 lbs, as I cannot weight bear right now on it much, but A LOT of the chronic knee pain I had is gone with my initial 50 lb weight loss!  I am so humbled by this process. Thanks for the reminder! We are stuck with exercise for life, it is one of my newest love affairs :) Megan


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