Do you measure yourself?

Quinns ..
on 2/25/07 5:20 am
More and more as of late i'm seeing posts from postops..some real  new some not so new talking about how they are not losing weight for weeks and all I see mentioned is pounds.. How many people actually take a tape measure and measure everything you can? For the new postops..did you know that a true plateau is 4-6 weeks of no pounds OR inches lost.. Now..if you dont measure yourself faithfully, you will never know if you are or are not losing inches..therefore you will not know if you really are on a plateau :) Did you know..that even when the scale shows NO loss..and even a slight gain..that you are still losing inches? Our bodies lose weight in more ways than just losing pounds.. Take a tape measure..measure your neck, your bust, waist, thighs, wrists, hips..everything.. Do that once a week..and trust me on will be absolutely amazed at just how much you really ARE melting :) I just wish more people would focus on the postop process as a's much more than just losing pounds.. So whip out those tape measures and GO MEASURE! ;)
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

on 2/25/07 5:22 am - IA
I don't wanna...I know that I have GAINED over the Holidays (plus stress factors lately), there!  (((Hugs))) ~~Sherry
Quinns ..
on 2/25/07 5:32 am
Oh shuddup! lol You're doing just fine! lol I wish more people did measure'd save their sanity at times for sure! hows the bebes???? Miss you a lot!!
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

on 2/25/07 6:17 am - IA
I *think* I have figured out how to upload pics of the kiddos...would you look at my profile (under new format) to see if it worked?  Pretty please with Splenda on top?  :-) ~~Sherry
Holly Berry
on 2/25/07 6:24 am - Oceanside, CA
HIJACK! Hey there Sherry!  I've missed you so much! I'll go look too! Hugs, Holly

Holly  260/132/125

on 2/25/07 6:28 am - IA
((((((((((Holly)))))))))) I was w/o Internet; but, I'm back now.  I've missed you, too!  (((Hugs))) ~~Sherry
Quinns ..
on 2/25/07 6:37 am
And I am *so * glad YOU are back! You have no idea how much I missed you! You still need to *catch me up* hehe
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

Quinns ..
on 2/25/07 6:38 am
It didnt work...your profile is still "old style" new pics... conversion didnt work for me..I had to start over..what a frickin pain in the you know what lol
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

on 2/25/07 6:46 am - IA
I didn't think that it would.  I can't figure out how to switch to the new format without losing everything on my profile.
Quinns ..
on 2/25/07 7:03 am
I copy and pasted mine to notepad and then converted....You can add the text easily are another story though..mine is plain..I dont have the patience to work on it lol
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

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