Long term secrets for success?

Quinns ..
on 2/25/07 5:17 am
I think almost everyday we see a post from someone who is 2 years or more postop who are struggling..many say they didnt always follow their diet (i hate that word! lol) or didn't exercise as much etc.. For Postops who are 2 years or more out..what do YOU do..to be successful? Now success doesn't mean..that you lost all of your weight..that you never eat a cookie..that you exercise 10 hours a day. What i'm asking is..how do you stick to your program within reason without going over the edge? How have you managed to lose weight and keep it off? For me..it's a few things. 1- I went into this realistically. I didn't go in thinking i'd lose 100% of my excess weight or that it would happen in 6 months or that i'd never do or eat things ever again..my surgeon was very upfront about me never using the words never ever lol..he promised me that if I did..i'd very disappointed. 2- I always have and still am involved with a postop support group. It keeps me grounded and keeps me attached in a way to the old me..because it gives me the opportunity to see the old me in other people. It gives me a reason to set a good example and it keeps you humble. Plus at my support groups, none of us are barbie dolls and none of us are "perfect" so we all complain about eating a cookie or candy..or snacking. 3-I exercise..every single day..at first..I hated it..but with each day..it got better..and I felt better..I dont do it to lose weight..I do it for my overall health and well being..running is a release for me..I can put my ipod on and run and run and clear my head..and it's such a high..moreso than any high I ever got from a twinkie..or a big mac 4- Give back..I always believed that if we gave back..it would come back to us..it's like a circle..plus..it's harder to fall..if you have many good friends and a wonderful support system to help hold you up. So I encourage all the people who feel like they have not done well..to please get involved with a support group..it really does make all the difference in the world. Oh and one more thing..for newbies.. I read posts about "this isnt what I expected"..never go into this..expecting to lose a set amount of pounds..you will most defintely be disappointed. Also..your body doesnt "stop or decide to stop losing"..you can get to any weight you want to..but..you gotta work for it..at some point.you must change your behavior and eating habits.. Sorry..just some thoughts..and I thought that if people who have been there, done that and got the tshirt..could share how they do it..it woujld help others..because as us oldies know..life at a few years postop is VASTLY different than the first 2 years or so.. It breaks my heart when I see people desperate to get to that number..and I know that i've learned over the years..that I refuse to let a number define who I am as a person and I refuse to let a number define what success really is...we didnt want our worth to be defined by a number postop...so why should we want our value to be determined by a number postop? ........remember..it's JUST a number...our goal for this surgery is to be HEALTHY.. Success for a postop, is losing at leat 50 percent of the excess weight..success is being able to get up in the morning and look forward to living that day..success is not being a slave to medication..success is not being a slave to food. There are so many different ways to define it..much moreso than what we weigh.. Some will lose all and then some..some will get within 25 pounds..some will get within 50 pounds..and some will never get there at all.. It's totally in our hands..the pouch doesnt determine what weight we end up at..we do..we're the only ones who have the control. I'm just glad I get up in the morning and can do anything I want..within reason of course .. I'm just grateful I was given this chance :)
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

on 2/25/07 5:25 am - IA
It's hard not to look at the numbers...for some of us, it's all that 'we' have.  I know in my head that a number does not define me...but, my heart still believes it.  Especially when my size 6/8s are getting tight.  LOL  :-) (((Hugs))) ~~Sherry
Aunt Johnnie
on 2/25/07 5:56 am - Camby, IN
Thank you so much for your post! It's like you are reading my mind :-)  I have always hated to hear someone or someone's surgery "failed" because they didn't hit a magic weight or size or maybe they gained a little back. I feel like if I am not 309# - my highest weight - and I am able to move my body, eat healthy foods and be healthy and enjoy my life, then the surgery is successful. Of course I have my own personal numbers I want to hit and I may be disappointed if I don't but I will still be thankful and happy that I have come as far as I have. Even now at almost -100# I feel so much better. Better than I have in 14 years! That is a gift I can never say thanks enough for. I know what you are saying about the support groups is true and I need to quit making excuses and go to mine.  Since I was lucky enough to get this surgery, I should give back by supporting others who are in the approval process. As far as exercise goes, I feel so good even though I cannot keep up with the rest of the class. I am no longer a couch potato!  Thanks again for your post. You hit the nail on the head!!

Aunt Johnnie

on 2/25/07 6:40 am - Sydney, Australia
Great post, you hit the nail right on the head. hugs, Helen
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