PCOS and posy-surgery vegetarianism.

(deactivated member)
on 2/18/07 8:37 pm - La Puente, CA

Hey everyone, I'm new to the site and was wondering if I could get a little feedback... I'm 18 years old and will be having gastric bypass surgery in the fall. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and was wondering if anyone that has PCOS and has had the surgery have had any problems losing weight after surgery... I'm also a vegetarian. I haven't eaten meat in about two and a half years. I was wondering if anyone had experience with this. I worry about malnutriton, not getting enough protein and becoming even more anemic than I already am. Is it possible to live a healthy lifestyle and eat a healthy diet post-op without eating meat? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. =)

Brenda T.
on 2/18/07 8:53 pm - MA
I think without meat you would have a hard time getting in all the protein.. You would be living on supplements and I dont know how healthy that would be long term... We WLS people are big meat eaters


on 2/18/07 8:54 pm - Brick, NJ
Hey there. I have PCOS and tomorrow will be 3 weeks i am post-op.  I have lost 21.5 pounds since surgery.  I know i am newly out but it does not seem that the PCOS has effected my weight loss at this time.  After surgery your going to be on liquids and soft foods for awhile.. depending on how long your surgeon wants you to be on the liquid diet..... all surgeons are different....   The key ingredient is protein.  Talk to your Doc and see what he/she says about getting the extra protein in.  One way is to drink the protein drinks.  Hope this helps just a little.  Take care and good luck on your journey.
Quinns ..
on 2/18/07 9:05 pm
There are LOTS of postops who are vegetarians that do just fine :) You do not need to eat meat in order to get protein in. there are many meat substitutes etc that are just as high in protein as most meats. Best bet? find yourself a nutritionist who is well versed in the care and dietary needs of postops and especially vegetarianism. There are a few Yahoo groups geared towards this too. I'm sure some people will reply with some advice and help and suggestions :) Mariella
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

Jeannie W.
on 2/18/07 10:03 pm, edited 2/18/07 10:12 pm - Topsham, ME
Hello!! I'm a veggie too!  (Actually, I'm a pescetarian...I still eat fish.)  I am still pre-op, but I asked my nutritionist about what I could do post-op, and she said I'd be fine.  You have to be SO careful to get in all of the needed protein.  For the first couple of months when textures are limited, I'll probably do a lot of the protein supplements.  Once I can eat more variety, she said I'd be able to get in all of the protein from meat substitutes, legumes, dairy, and eggs.  (I can't stand eggs...I'll get by on the other stuff!)  Soy is packed with protein and will likely become a staple for me.  If you click on people at the top of the page, and go to Q&A, there are lots of vegetarian questions there.  My nutritionist said it can be done, we just have to be extra careful.  If it means a protein shake everyday, I'm ok with that. Good luck!
first appt/current/goal
starting size 26/28 goal size 8/10
Current size 10 pants 8/10 blouse...I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on 2/18/07 10:15 pm - Eagan, MN
Hello!!!! I am a vegetarian (I eat dairy, eggs, and fish), and I haven't had meat in 13 yrs.  I am doing great, and get my protein from dairy and fresh fish! Canned tuna when I need too, and canned salmon as well....I substitute with soy protein powder (flavorless) in some dishes... U can do it, I've been anemic since my teens, and my iron levels are fine now! I also take an iron pill separate from a 1 a day as well. GOOD LUCK, Megan


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