
Susan S.
on 2/18/07 7:09 am - West Bloomfield, MI
I just found this horrid website - www.obesitysurgery-info.com and it's PATHETIC. It's one person's opinion on WLS and I was so mortified by the narrow minded, one sided, non-referential information that I had to email the owner of the website. He/She takes their opinion (or the opinion of one doctor) and states it as the law without backing it up by any research or references. They also put an insurance form supposedly used by Kaiser Peramante (and they even say it's "apparently" used) which is a JOKE!!! It even has misspelled words in there! That's the sad thing because someone *****ally needs WLS and would benefit from it, will come across this ridiculous site and think twice just because of the narrow minded information on this site. Pathetic.  Personally, having only been a member of this site for 3 weeks, and am a surgery hopeful, I have found SO MUCH GREAT information (BACKED BY RESEARCH).   I'm so glad that I found this site and am making friends. I can only look forward to the future of OH.  Susan
mom of many
on 2/18/07 7:16 am - Moving to Alabama
Unfortunately there are many out there who would do anything to ruin it for others Thanks for sharing MOM

Open RNY~March 10, 2005 ~
237/121 (116lbs GONE) 
TT April 4, 2006                          
It's a small world after all.....

Susan S.
on 2/18/07 7:19 am - West Bloomfield, MI
On their site, they say that Kaiser Permanante says that 100% of WLS surgery patients are nutrition deficient. I read a stat (here I believe) that said 40%. How could 100% of them be deficient? And don't you think that KP would have more accurate info? I think it's a gross misrepresentation?
(deactivated member)
on 2/18/07 7:19 am - Wood River, IL
Exactly what MOM said.  When I was pre op, I found several sites like that.
Susan S.
on 2/18/07 7:23 am - West Bloomfield, MI
I just wonder if Kaiser Permanante realizes that they are using their name and presenting it as THEIR info? Check out the insurance information on that site and you'll see what I'm talking about. I HARDLY believe that KP, such a well known provider, would make a patient sign a form that looks like that.
(deactivated member)
on 2/18/07 7:28 am - Wood River, IL
hmm, interesting, if I am not mistaken, Dr. Simpson is a doctor also listed on here, wonder if there is a way he can verify this info.
Quinns ..
on 2/18/07 7:32 am
Ah, I see good ol' Sue Widmark is back at work. THAT is who owns that site..she is notorious for being anti-WLS Dr. Terry Simpson who is greatly respected and who've i've talked to a few times does not own that site. Take everything you read with a grain of salt and make your OWN decisions...as long as you research your ass off and make a well informed, concious decision you'll do ok :)
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

Susan S.
on 2/18/07 7:37 am - West Bloomfield, MI
Yep - that would be the person that I emailed! What's her deal? Is she scorned for some reason? As my mom always said, "Troubled people are troublesome people". She references Dr. Simpson, as if he's so against this surgery.
Quinns ..
on 2/18/07 7:42 am
HOnestly, I wouldnt even waste my breath emailing her :) As long as i've been here at OH (8 years) she has been an ever present figure in the WLS world. My advice? concentrate on YOU, your decision, your journey etc and do not even give a thought to what these people think..it's irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. She doesnt believe in surgery..so she is out there to make it look as bad as possible. Lots of people dont belive in or are anti wls...it's their right to be...as much as it's our right to be pro wls... There are horror stories ..sure...preop and postop..wls or no wls...it's just how life is.. If you get a nasty email back..from her..delete it..and move on..dont give it your energy :) Just speaking from experience here...it's a losing battle lol :) Dr.Simpson is a great guy...and remember..whatever you read on those types of sites...it's all SPIN...no different than the junk crap gossip you see on tv and in the tabloids...everything is twisted to each person advantage :)
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

Susan S.
on 2/18/07 7:55 am - West Bloomfield, MI
You're right - I shouldn't have wasted my breath. I must admit - I used to think that WLS was for the weak - Now? I think it's for the strong! And the more I research, the more I advocate it. Which is why I'm taking the plunge.  If her website looked professional (without the background pictures of stomachs) I may have actually thought it was real. ha!!!!
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