Anyone with serious ulcer problems since surgery?

on 2/18/07 6:01 am - Edmond, OK
I have been battling with an ulcer since May 06- I have been on meds and have had an endoscope and an upper gi done- and having another scope done on Tuesday. My doctor is now talking about having a vatogomy- clipping the Vagus nerve. Anyone out there experience this? Shannon
Kim G.
on 2/18/07 6:05 am - Springfield, OR
I do have an ulcer and I have been having difficulty eating over the last couple of weeks.  Mine was just diagnosed on Tuesday of last week.  I have been on Prilosec 4 capsules a day and 2 teaspoons of Carafate 4 times a day.  What did your doc put you on?  Fortunately mine is fairly small and probably will heal up fairly quickly but I have heard some horror stories on OH about ulcers and bleeding issues and some being very slow to heal.  Good luck to you.

on 2/18/07 8:17 am - Edmond, OK

My doctor intially put me on Protonix- which he said was the best med. for ulcers- from May06 -Jan07 have had no luck with it healing.  Now I am on Prilosec- for last 3 weeks- doesn't seem to feel any better.  I don't have difficulty eating- however intially I did and they had to stretch the stoma - afterwards - eathing was much much better! Thank you! Shannon

Holly Berry
on 2/18/07 6:44 am - Oceanside, CA
I was diagnosed with an ulcer at 3 months out. It was surrounding my stoma.  I was put on 2 six week rounds of Rx Prevacid Solutabs. Did not work, it wouldn't sit in pouch long enough. So, now I'm on Protonix (two+ weeks so far) and am doing better. I see many take Protonix, Carafate, and Keflex at the same time. I'm going to call My PCP Tues. and see if he'll add these, at least the Carafate. Cutting the Vagus nerve, then you'll not be able to feel the pain?  I think that's a really bad idea, when your ulcer flares, you won't know, it could get so bad that you get a bleeding ulcer. Don't know if I'm right about this, but pain is to tell us something is wrong. Is your surgeon or a gastro Dr. following you? Concerned about you, Holly 

Holly  260/132/125

Quinns ..
on 2/18/07 7:00 am
As someone who had a truncal vagotomy (total severing of the vagus nerve) to help postop ulcers heal..i'd say DO IT! Simple surgery (mind took a half hour)..used the same lap incisions as my RNY and was home in two hours. Ulcers were healed promptly, no side effects really (a bit of slower pouch motility so I drink with whatever I eat) but wont hurt you..only help! I suffered my whole first year and a half with multiple ulcers that didnt heal. Make sure you are seeing a gastro doc...they are your best line of defense. But the vagotomy..I say do really is SO worth it! Mariella
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

on 2/18/07 8:13 am - Edmond, OK

Thank  you so much for the encouragement.  I was researching on the internet and it said a 6 week recovery and 7 day hospital stay.  Glad to hear yours was an outpatient deal.  How long has it been since you have had this procedure done.  Have you suffered from an ulcers since?

Thank you sooo much!



Quinns ..
on 2/18/07 8:20 am
First off..I woldnt depend on what you read on the internet..I know 4 others who had it done and most people had it done and went home the same day.. All they do  is go in and snip the tubes, no anything... I'd make sure I consulted a gastro doctor want them to be in on whatever decision you make..since its their specialty :) No ulcers since...had it in early pain or anything. The surgery has come a long way. I'm sure you'd be in and out in no time :)
It's a girl!!!

Amelia Christine - Due 7/17/07

on 2/18/07 8:31 am - Edmond, OK
Your reassurance makes feel tons better!  Thank you again! Shannon
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