Lurkers Unite!
I’m about 75% lurker, 25% poster.
* I was glad to see the views because I thought no one ever read my posts. Now, I'm glad to see someone read my posts and at least someone may have gotten something out of it. I'd rather be read, than completely dissed. Can you imagine if you posted and no one even read your posts? To me that means they read your NAME and chose not to read what you posted. Now that's insulting. * I'm glad to see the views because sometimes it shows that the readership here is much higher than it appears! * Sometimes posts ask questions and warrant a reply. Sometimes they're just supplying information, making a statement, that doesn't really warrant a reply. I realize that I do that a lot... try to supply info. People love to answer questions and help other people... and those get more replies. * I have dial up. I've figured out that it I turn off peoples signatures I can read a little quicker. But to reply, I can play a WHOLE game of solitare while I wait for the reply page to post. I DO THIS! * Some people use a vague or misleading subject to get you to read it, or flag it as hot when it's superficial. It turns out they didn't desperately need some help, and I purposely don't reply to them.
* Some of us are suffering from obesity related depression and just don’t feel like talking all the time. That’s why I don’t go into the chatroom much. Most of the time, believe it or not, I don’t have much to say.
* Eric Klein posted something a week or two back about showing people how to search for the answer to their questions by going to the search box, clicking on Q&A, typing their subject, and hitting go. He even suggesed doing it for them and replying with a link to the posts you found to help them. So if you don't have an answer, you can help them find it. We should do that more often!
I love this forum! Thank you all for posting your problems, your finds, and for educating me beyond my expectations prior to surgery!