Lurkers Unite!
I am a lurker, but it does not mean that I do not support everyone here. I have learned so much reading the posts, responses and everyone's profile.
Thanks for being you!
"Stop using Jesus as an excuse for being a Narrow-Minded Bigoted Asshole".
Wow, great idea for a thread!! Yes, I 'lurk' more than post (though I prefer that old fashioned Brit term "Lookie Loo",), but I read an awful lot of posts, and pray, and wish I could do more. As an explanation, NOT an excuse, homeschooling 3 kids, volunteering as a leader in children's mininstry for my church, working a part time job doing child care for said church, living with a home 24/7/365 semi disabled husband who I have to fight for the computer, and that computer being a 'barely-adequate-to-handle-dial up -computer', all contribute to my, well, lack of contributing! The people on here are fantastic and the support incredible. I thank you all, for all your contributions. I consider time spent on this site - learning, sharing, and caring - time well spent. Nerina