Yay for Culver's No Sugar added Custard!
Amy 293/140 - AT GOAL!
90 pds lost~Forever!!!!
Well I didn't realise this post was a 2006 post cars I asked a 25 year employee of culvers about that because I was very interested in a low carb low fat sugar-free ice cream from culvers and they don't have one never had one so I don't know if somebody just lied and played a cruel joke on her or him or what I don't know but they said they have never in the 25 years that person had been working there have they ever had sugar-free custard and any location I just want to throw that in there because I people can be cruel especially when they like to make fun of people and so I just wanted to let you know there's no such thing I don't want people to embarrass themselves because they were told something that somebody was told taking on them
Starting / Goal / Current / Height
4/20/08 - Tummy Tuck & Mini Arm Lift
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