You're Invited to NOLA!
While all of the above is hard...sometimes, it gets even harder.
They might tell us they are under-insured or not insured at all. One of the reasons decided to have an OH Event in New Orleans (NOLA) this year is because, since 2005, we have faced an increase in calls from that region. All of the calls have had a common theme: Medicaid and difficulties finding a surgeon to accept them as patients. The devastation of the Gulf Coast from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have had a direct impact on the lives of OH community members from this area. Even though it has been years since these storms occurred, the lives affected and the rebuilding efforts continue on.
We invite you to come to NOLA to join us for the FUN
Our mutual solidarity is needed.
Join Us: September 9th & 10th Click Here for more info on how you can help & join in on the fun!
Don't miss out on: * Chad Soileau's Inspirational Story * Bo McCoy's Conga Line * Dr. Dennis Eschete, Slamming the Door on Regain * Erin Akey, The Bariatric Journey to Health and Fitness * Kristy Kuna, OAC and Its Mission * Dr. Connie Stapleton, Recovering from Obesity * WLSFA, How the WLSFA Pays it Forward * Sarah, Navigating the Insurance Process: Pre, Post, Plastic and Beyond * Chef Dave, Packing Your Food Traveling After WLS * Many more speakers (topics still being put up on our events page) * Q & A Panel, * A Fashion Show * A Clothing Exchange * Exhibit Tables * Samples * Photos * Prize Drawings & lots of SUPPORT!