re·flec·tion [ri-flek-shuh
1. the act of reflecting or the state of being reflected.
2. an image; representation; counterpart.
3. a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration.
4. a thought occurring in consideration or meditation.
5. an unfavorable remark or observation.
6. the casting of some imputation or reproach.When we look at ourselves in the mirror.....Do we overly judge that reflection? Are you more harsh on yourself than you would be to a friend? Or do you REALLY take a minute and think about how far you have come? I want to encourage you all to look at your reflection in the mirror and consider all the positives about you! Not just the outward appearance....but your inner person. Today remember the kindnesses you have shown to others. Be a little easier on yourself. LOVE YOU!
I can DEFINATELY identify with that! For years I would tell myself that I was "fat", "ugly", "lazy" and that no one could really LOVE ME!
I was so hateful to myself! Even now when the scales inch up I begin to slip back to that mindset!
However, this obesity problem is largely a mind game as well as physical. I plan to work on treating ME better!
I can DEFINATELY identify with that! For years I would tell myself that I was "fat", "ugly", "lazy" and that no one could really LOVE ME!
I was so hateful to myself! Even now when the scales inch up I begin to slip back to that mindset!
However, this obesity problem is largely a mind game as well as physical. I plan to work on treating ME better!