Monday hugs
Sending out hugs on this awesome Monday morning. You all have you a great day today!!! Love y'all.
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. (Matthew 7:5)
You know...I was always so good at going to church and hearing a message and then after church I would say: "what a great sermon. ______ (fill in the blank with a name) should have been here to hear that. They really need to hear that message. know what...whomever that was, was not there, but I was. Evidently, I needed to hear that message. God has given me many things to think about. I use to sit and say, "ok God, who is this correction for?" One day, He spoke to me and told me that these corrections were for me. OUCH. I have learned that when God tells me something, I need to check myself before I begin cleaning out other's closets. My closet is cluttered enough. My prayer has changed now. I pray each day that God will show me my shortcomings, my weaknesses and anything that I have done to harm Him or anyone. I had to remove pride and understand that correction is first and foremost for Carmen. Now...I go to church and I can honestly say things differently. "Thank you Jesus, I needed that."
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. (Matthew 7:5)
You know...I was always so good at going to church and hearing a message and then after church I would say: "what a great sermon. ______ (fill in the blank with a name) should have been here to hear that. They really need to hear that message. know what...whomever that was, was not there, but I was. Evidently, I needed to hear that message. God has given me many things to think about. I use to sit and say, "ok God, who is this correction for?" One day, He spoke to me and told me that these corrections were for me. OUCH. I have learned that when God tells me something, I need to check myself before I begin cleaning out other's closets. My closet is cluttered enough. My prayer has changed now. I pray each day that God will show me my shortcomings, my weaknesses and anything that I have done to harm Him or anyone. I had to remove pride and understand that correction is first and foremost for Carmen. Now...I go to church and I can honestly say things differently. "Thank you Jesus, I needed that."