Birth Control Issues(Ladies Only)
I've been using Nuvaring for the past 3 months for severe mentrual bleeding, and it seemed to help. Well, lately it's been falling out of position and almost falling out of me (sorry tmi). Whenever I would try to reinsert it I was getting resistance, so I went to see my obgyn today and he said I had uterine prolapse, and the nuvaring would always hang out because of the location of my cervix/uteris. My question is can the nuvaring cause uterine prolapse has anyone heard of this. I read about uterine prolapse on webmd and it said obesity could cause this, but I'm constantly losing weight. He put me on ortho evra today and I was also wondering if anyone had tried this and what the pros/cons were. A big reason I had RNY was to be healthy enough to conceive and it seems my body just doesn't want me too.