Has anyone heard from Loretta???
i doubt if anyone cares carmen but thanks 4 asking. i am home. i hah a block so my entire right arm shoulder and fingers are numb. basically paralyzrd for up to 24 hours. i am typing left handed. peck peck. sugury went very well. i am so impressed w/ st. vincents. we enev had a priest come by and visit. kyle was allowed to watch my surgery from a viewing window and television screen. everyone was so nice. i wish all my drs were at st. vincents. i start pt tomm. going 2 bed now. just took my mrds. thanks for ur p\rayers. i love you.
I do care and so do others. You were one of the ones who mentored me when I had surgery and I have grown to love you alot. You know Loretta, we all have our differences and that is what makes us us, but you are precious. I love getting together with you and talking. I do pray and I am praying that you will have an easy PT. You ARE loved. If you ever need to hear it, just give me a call.