Hugs for ya go Gina

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32)
Forgiveness does not mean that we have to deny we are hurting or that whatever happened was not important. Rather, forgiveness means letting go and letting God handle everything. It means turning another person over to God's judgment. It means trusting God to deal with a person as God chooses, not as you choose. It does not make any difference if the other person asks for forgiveness or not. Forgive. Your forgiveness should not be withheld pending the other's repentance. Forgive quickly. The sooner you forgive, the sooner you can receive God's healing for any pain or sorrow you have experienced. It is like my prom dress story....I held on to that thing for so many years...but once I threw it away, the hurt left with it. We can hang on to anything we want to hang on to, but I promise you, if you give it to God and let go, soon, you will feel so much better. True forgiveness is not conditional. What if Christ had put conditions on our forgiveness...boy would I be in a mess. Thank you Lord that our forgiveness is free and free indeed.
This is excellent Biblical as well as practical advice. For the most part (IMO) there are two kinds of people that hurt others. Those that did not mean to hurt someone, but did. And those who meant to hurt someone and does not care.
Holding a grudge against either is counterproductive and really only hurts the person carrying the grudge. Forgive is a big word and takes a Big heart with Big Grace to practice it effectively, but if you can your life will be happier and much more peaceful.
Don't let someone live in your head and heart rent free. Forgive them. pray for them every day for at least two weeks. You will feel better whether they do or not.
Have a blessed day.
Holding a grudge against either is counterproductive and really only hurts the person carrying the grudge. Forgive is a big word and takes a Big heart with Big Grace to practice it effectively, but if you can your life will be happier and much more peaceful.
Don't let someone live in your head and heart rent free. Forgive them. pray for them every day for at least two weeks. You will feel better whether they do or not.
Have a blessed day.
Volfan-in-Alabama ( HW/SW/CW/GW 448/439/244.8/225)
"It's never too late to be who you might have been." ~George Eliot Please visit
"It's never too late to be who you might have been." ~George Eliot Please visit
We are told to turn the other cheek but nowhere are we advised to stick our cheek out to be smacked again and again. In other words, forgiveness does not mean that we have to be friends with those who have wronged us. An abused person should forgive the abuser but should not remain in a situation where she is abused. I think some times people confuse forgiveness with being a doormat.
Wow--that is an exceptional point. I don't believe God meant for his children to be door mats either--and I think you hit the mark just right!
Volfan-in-Alabama ( HW/SW/CW/GW 448/439/244.8/225)
"It's never too late to be who you might have been." ~George Eliot Please visit
"It's never too late to be who you might have been." ~George Eliot Please visit