NEWS FLASH...Lotsa NEWS to share.....
Also, Christian is much better today. I know it's all those prayers that have gone up on his behalf and God has truly worked a miracle on that baby boy who was SO SICK yesterday. He's still not 100%, but by golly he's doing so well and almost back to his little old self again. We got to keep him awhile this afternoon and evening and I got to hug and cuddle and love on him for awhile. He loves his NANA so much.
On another note, my husband Kyle is not feeling well at all and spent much of the day at the doctor's office. He suffers greatly from acid reflux and they are still trying to find a medicine that will work best for him. He has also had a horrible migraine for the last couple of days that's just not letting up. He's got a couple of prescription meds for the migraines and they just are not touching it. Please say a prayer for my dear husband that this pain will ease through the night and he will be feeling up to par by morning.
I am still hanging in there with my upcoming shoulder surgery only a couple of weeks away. I am still devastated by the fact that the surgery I had 18 months ago was not at all in any way what it was supposed to be and that I have to go through another surgery to correct another doctor's mistake. I do not relish the fact that I have to go thru all that pain, suffering and therapy again at any cost. I'm quite bitter by the taste of it all. I'm still debating the idea of confronting that doctor with the knowledge of his negligence.
Thank you all for letting me share my good news and updates. I appreciate each and every one of you.
God bless,
Carmen, thank you so much for your kind words and prayers. We truly feel those prayers being lifted up for us. We are so proud of our girls for going to college. Jill is doing well also and is taking cosmotology. I think that suits her and i'm sure she will do well with it. I am so thrilled that things are finally starting to fall into place for Holly. She's had a rough time of it with transferring colleges and all. Most of the credits she had from Nashville did not transfer here. It's been really hard on her having had nearly 2 years of college behind her then having to start all over again here. I know things happen for a reason and I know God has a very special plan for her. He is so faithful. We just have to let him take control.
Thank you again for everything Carmen. You are so very kind.
I had the procedure and ON MY Goodness , how wonderful I was after ..
A NEW PERSON it felt like as I suffered with that a long time
My best to you,