Wednesday Hugs
If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink. (Romans 12:10)
In Bible times, to give food and water to a hungry, thirsty enemy was a sign of tremendous hospitality. People knew that if you turned a hugnry, thirsty enemy away, that enemy would only seek to do you more harm. Showing basic kindness to the enemy was a mean of defusing his anger. What we are required by God to do is to meet our enemy's basic human needs if and when those needs present themselves to us. We are to be courteous to them, speak kindly to them, and refuse to criticize them. Oh, now I am speaking to me this morning. How hard it is to love our enemies as ourselves.
She is hurting still. She was suppose to go to school today, but she couldn't. I told her that she needed to stay home and take care of herself, but you know...I am just her momma...what do I know LOL. She went and took tests on Monday and I think she did too much. I am praying for Jake. I love you!!